Chapter Seventeen The Bet Revealed

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Michael and Randy look at each other in disbelief as they took her away. She is really upset and April is so sad. This is her best of friends! No way could she or would she. Michael and Randy both set about make sure that Samantha had the best of Lawyers and support. April ran out to her car to get in to go in support of Samantha. She had been there for April well she would be there for her.

Michael; April my lawyers will be there waiting for them and get her out.

Randy;  I am making sure that they don’t put her in a cell with anyone who could and would harm her until we can get her out of this.


April; I want to see Samantha Cole!! NOW!!!

Police Officer. She’s in being booked.

April; Booked!! NO! NO! She didn’t do it!! I know she didn’t how could she when she had just literally left me when these event happened. Samantha Cole is a good person! She’s a great girl! Loyal and true!!

Police Officer: I’m sorry ma’am but we are only following procedures.

April Well you can take your damn procedures and stick them up your old Assures too!! With that she stormed out. She waited for Randy and Michael to get her out.

Randy: They haven’t posted a bail amount yet its Friday and there is no judge available.

April; Then we bust her OUT!! You both know she didn’t do it!!

Detective Rogers; I truly am sorry Ms Bradley. But the evidence suggest other wise.

April: I don’t give a damn! She didn’t do it!!

Michael and Randy looked at April and felt so bad because they knew they couldn’t do more until judge posted bail. Michael tried to hold her she moved away. Randy smiled and then he tried to hold her and she moved away too. Both men put their hands in their pockets. The police officers brought Samantha in to do more paperwork.

April SAMANTHA!!!  She rand to her and hugged her crying. I know it’s not you I know it!! I will get you out some how I will!! I don’t care what it cost me or what I have to do!! I will get you out of her and prove your innocence.!!  I love you! You are my best friend!!

Samantha; tears falling as she hugs April; I love you too! You are my best friend. I swear I didn’t do this. I have been a bit angry at how Michael’s been acting in general. He still thinks he’s king cock when he isn’t. but..I swear.. Never ever…

April; I know!! We will find out what is happening and who framed you.

Randy; I know it wasn’t you Samantha. I’ve known you longer then Michael and April. I now this isn’t you. I’ve arranged bail. I’ve put my house up as collateral. No way will we let you get railroaded.

Michael; My lawyers are filing an wrongful arrest and defamation of character charge as we speak and will represent you in anyway if it should come to that. You are not alone in this not one bit.

That night April tried to sleep but it was fitful. Randy and Michael again refused to leave her alone. They knew it wasn’t Samantha and that meant whoever it was, was still around and may try again. That scared them greatly so they both laid in bed with April and held her.

Randy slowly started to nibble on April while she was sleeping. He wanted to some way be with the woman he loved. Randy wanted to show her he’d always love her. His hands tenderly slid down her body. He wanted to be hers forever. Randy really started getting into it. When April rolled onto her side in her sleep facing Michael, and he scooted closer figuring he would wake her as she made love to her.

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