Chapter Fourteen The Movie Scene Becomes Real

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“Marshall caressed her body and loved her tenderly. He kissed deeply and lovingly as their bodies became one. under the sheets Marshall was really rocking his hips into her making Lacy feel so good. She grabbed onto his back, nibbled his neck and whispered words of love. Marshal picked up the pace and really ground into her”

(Off camera in the background someone called, make love to her faster let the camera catch the final moments as you climax together, show it. Let the sheet fall off then you can pull the sheet back up)

“I love you so much Lacy, you truly have no idea how much. I want to marry you soon. Being away from you was torture that I can not bear again.” “Marshall, you are my whole world, I love you more than words. Mmmm…this feels like heaven.. don’t stop, please don’t stop..” “Marshall thrust in and out of her harder and deeper. He feels himself getting to the point where he is going to release his climax into her.””The sheet falls away as Marshall is really gyrating and grinding hard into Lacy. Faster and deeper he thrusts in and out of her body. Loud moans escape both of them as Marshall climaxes into Lacy. His body falls over hers as their union is complete””Breathing heavily Marshall kisses Lacy tenderly and strokes her body and face once more pulls up the sheet to cover their nakedness. They still are coupled and both are smiling at each other”


 In the background robes were brought out to both Michael and April. They were given their clothes and told to go to their dressing rooms to change they had a 40 min break them Michael was needed in the offices with studio heads and Randy could finish directing for the day. They sent him on studio business so he wasn’t even there yet is why the long break. Everyone thought the scene was perfect and steamy. No one realized that Michael had just really made love to April on camera. April went to her dressing room and closed the door. Michael went to his which was the one next to April. He unlocked the door that connected them and walked into the room. April was standing at her table with her face in her hands she was cryng. Michael felt bad because he know some was his fault. He asked the studio heads and sponsors to demand more sexual scenes and want him in it instead. The actual scene was a sex scene but it was mostly implied not actual. Michael made it actual. Seeing how bad it made April feel it no longer seemed like a way to get April to see him, to love him. Walking over to her he touches her shoulder.

Michael; April?

April; turning around. Yes? Tearfully

Michael takes April into his arms tenderly. Holding her close to comfort her as she cried.

Michael; I’m so sorry, I didn’t know they would want us to uncover like that. I truly didn’t.  holding her tighter

April; I. I know it’s just. I, we.. that…..

Michael; holding her tight sitting on a chair and having her on his lap. I am so very sorry. I loved the love making with you very much. I didn’t want to hurt you, honestly I didn’t. You are beautiful to me. April…bites his lip

April; I enjoyed making love to you too, it’s just all those people watching. I feel almost as if we were making a porno. She burst into tears again. I’m sorry Michael, I.. w-what was it you wanted to say?

Michael; No porno, I promise and with you every time is magical. I am i-in love with you. I love you. Please be my girl. Please. Kissing her softly.

April; I do love you. I –I just want to take it slow. Returning his kiss.

Michael; Anything. Anything you want. I’ll give it to you. Holding her tight. Slowly his hands rub her body and kiss and caress her. They love to feel her body.

April; Wrapping her arms around him. You don’t have to give me anything.

Michael; But I want to. Kissing April lovingly, nibbling her neck

April could only smile at him and return his kisses and nibbling. Michael lifts her up as they walk to her bed. Laying her on the bed he gently lays over her again. Letting his hands rub her and caress her. Michael wants to make love to her again, Wrapping her arms around Michael, April kisses him deeply, Michael teases her with his tip and enters her gently and fully. His hips begin to move as April continues to caress and kiss Michael. Michael rocked his hips and took his time making her feel so good. Soon they were lost and consumed by their love. in the back of her mind, April’s warning bells are going off, but she ignored them. All she wanted was to be loved and she had two men who loved her and her choices from this day on would affect them no matter what. Randy made her feel so good, loved and wanted cherished. But Michael’s love making was sensual and wild. Always an excitement until today. Now, he’s loving and passionate and he said he loved her. This was going to make it harder on her to choose.

Michael continued to rock his hips, faster and faster, and their moans grew louder. Michael nibbled her neck and her breast. Swirling his tongue around her nipples, taking each one in his mouth and teasing and pleasuring equally. They made sweet love for almost the full 40 min. Michael came inside April. Smiles at her kisses her lovingly;

Michael; I wish I didn’t have to go. I’d love nothing more then to stay right her buried deep inside the woman I love.

April; Caressing his cheek. I’d actually like that but we must get back to work. Kissing him softly.

Michael pulled out of her slowly and kissed her once again and was gone. April laid there a moment thinking. God what is she doing to do. Michael or Randy? Both mean everything to her.


April was getting things read for her part in the next scene when Samantha cam to talk to her  She thought she had been being watched but when Samantha came that feeling went away so she thought maybe it was her.

Samantha; Smiling brightly. How are you? I’m really sorry the other night. I didn’t mean to intrude on you and Randy.

April; It’s okay. I just am taking it slow you know?

Samantha. Good for you. Listen, was wondering if you wanted to go shopping this afternoon with me. I have a party I need to plan for and I love how you have your home decorated wanted to use that type of style for the party Will you help me?

April; Sure. I’d love to. I’m a very floral person and love to decorate. There is a Michael’s right up the street.

Samantha; trying to keep smile on face at the mention of Michael. So how, um. How was that scene?

April; Sort of blushing, It was embarrassing. I didn’t know all of the crew would be here for that. I feel like we made a low budget porno.with Michael as the star

Samantha her fist clenched but April didn’t see. Don’t worry about him. He’s just like a dog leaving mark everywhere. ‘shrugs’ I’ll see you when you guys are done filming just call me okay?

April Sure thing! Giggles and waves

Samantha, You are funny! Giggles  Leaving.


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