Chapter Nine Needing Therapy

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April; Hey Samantha.

Samantha: Hey girl, How was your weekend?

April; half grin. It was good.

Samantha: It don’t sound as if it was: You okay?

April: Her eyes welled up with tears. I ..I don’t know

Samantha: Here, come sit over here. They walked into a secluded part of the set. They thought was private but it wasn’t.

Randy was sitting around the corner lost in his own thoughts. He wanted to tell April about the bet. Wanted to let her know it’s not a game for him that he was undeniably and irrevocably in love with her. His cheeks were tear stained and he was about to leave when he heard voices approaching and knew on was April. His April, so he stayed in the shadows of the corner and listened.

Samantha; Okay, here sit and tell me all about it. Rubbing her back

April; I don’t know where to start.

Samantha: Why don’t you start at the beginning that has led to today.

April: Well remember when we all went to Charlie’s for a get together?

Samantha; Oh yes. You were hammered and I think it was Randy who took you home right?

April; smiles then burst out into tears.  Y-yeeeeessss!!

Samantha; Oh god! He. He didn’t rape you did he?

April; God no.. He was wonderful. So kind and loving. Sighing. See I got mad because I saw Michael with that sperm receptical  and started drinking all the more. I actually was enjoying myself with Randy. He’s fun, sweet, loving, makes you feel comforted and warm and is a great listener. I loved dancing with him. I loved being in his arms. I – I had already started to feel stuff for Michael, but he such a dick so. I decided I was going to enjoy the night with Randy who seemingly really wanted to be with me. When Michael walked in with that…. It all changed. I got tipsy.

Samantha; Honey, you were more than tipsy but.. go on.

April; Randy took me home and we had hot coffee or maybe it was tea? Anyway, we were talking and well. He kissed me. I liked it. A lot. Something inside told me, Maybe Randy could be the one.

Samantha; You slept with him?

April; No. not that night. We came close but he was man enough to stop himself and said he wanted to to be right for me So he left. After he left I thought of no one else until Morning then I started to think of both. Randy and Michael. Crying harder.

Samantha, Don’t tell me You are in love with both of them?

April; Crying yes.. Yesssss.. how do I let one go??

Samantha; You know you are going to have to. They are brothers and the longer this goes on, the harder it will get. You have to before you sleep with either of them. April only looked at her. Oh god! You did??

April; I did .. yes. I want to dinner with Michael after Randy and it was so nice. He was pleasant and kind. We actually have some things in common.  Any way. Michael and I almost too. But he stopped himself. Only this time, he had started to push inside.

Samantha: rubbing her back. Okay honey. Go on.

April: he left and I was left there thinking I wanted him to come back but I had already agreed to dinner and dancing Saturday night.

Samantha; You mean this past Saturday?

April; Yes. Well and Saw Randy on Friday night and . God he made me feel so god. He made love to me in a way that left my body aching for more. Magical. Randy hears this and smiles sweetly. In the morning when I awoke he left me a loving letter and single red rose. Made me cry it was so beautiful. Well then I got up and did all I had to get done. My usual Saturday routine, you know laundry house cleaning. I got ready for the date with Michael. He was amazing again. Very sweet and kind and loving. Almost as sweet as Randy but see.. when I was with Randy, my mind roamed to Michael a bit but only once. When Michael and I were having sex I kept comparing because although both are phenomenal lovers I know I could only choose one. I don’t know who to choose. I want both. But right now, Randy is in the lead. God what do I do. I love them both. Why can’t I have them both.

Samantha; Well, you know already you much choose one so here’s what you do. Get a journal and right down everything he just told me to the last detail. Then make two columns. Pros and cons and title the page, “The Way They Make Me Feel.”

Randy listened the whole time and he was livid Michael had slept with her. April was his. He wanted to beat the hell out of Michael. Damn womanizing asshole I should have stayed and told April everything. Risking any chance with April. Randy was torn 

April cried. I love them both. I am in love with Randy Jackson. I am in love with Michael Jackson.  How can I choose??

Samantha; I know it won’t be easy I believe the longer you wait to tell them, the harder it will be. You must make the choice let the one you don’t choose find his own love. Don’t make them suffer or yourself. I’d suggest maybe an after noon date were you could see in the daylight and no risk of pushing you to sex. Tire him out so you both can sleep. Enjoy your days together for tomorrow is never promised and you all deserve to be happy. One more date a piece then choose. It’s important for all of you. You are a wrec. You can’t be like this when the camera’s rolling

April; You are right. She cried wiped her tears and hugged Samantha.

All the while, Randy heard it all and now knew for sure she loved him. Time for him to kick it up and win April’s heart. Screw the damn bet. He was going to risk it and tell her. Michael saw Randy there and started to walk over Randy motions for him to be quiet.

Michael: Why are you just standing here? We have lots to shoot. Get on set. Michael heard crying peeked around the corner and say Samantha and April. Who had been crying .

Samantha: Remember. You have to make a choice, You can not love or make love to both men. You must follow your heart but at the same time be friends with both.

April; Heard Michael but thought was for off until she saw both, Randy and Michael trying to slip away. Thinking how much did they hear.


Randy; Michael, you slept with her?? You couldn’t keep your dick in your pants just once could you? Angrily 

Michael; Damn! Looking angrily It’s true we had sex but it was mutual.

Randy; Damn you and damn your fucken bet! “Tossing money at him”. I just want April and he turned and went to her but she was already practicing the lines with her co star.

Michael; Grabbing Randy and throwing him into the wall he did in office


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