Michael And April

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When April woke in the morning, she felt happy and content. It was one of the best sleeps she ever had. Rolling over in bed she saw Randy was gone. Part of her ached for him to be there but another part knew already that he wouldn’t be. They have no commitment to each other. God she thought, he made her feel so good. Her body tingled.

Sitting up in bed she sees that Randy had left her a note and a single red rose. Smiling to herself she picked up the note and smelled the rose. Beautiful she says.

My Dearest Love April,

No mere words could ever begin to tell you the myriad of emotions I am feeling right now or how precious and beautiful you are to me. Last night making love to you was the best most incredible night of my life. I pray you are as happy as you have made me. I know now for me, no other will ever be good enough for me. You are my perfection my angel on earth. Please give me a chance to show you my heart and a love everlasting. I have fallen and I am in love with you April. This I knew from the start. You have captured my heart. …

All My Love,

Randy Jackson

After reading this beautiful note April had tears in her eyes. She really loved Randy, but was she in love with him? She couldn’t say. All she knew is that she had feelings for hm and Michael and she knew she must choose soon. Closing her eyes and thinking. How can I hurt them? Then she remembered, she had so much to do before her date with Michael tonight. Wondering what tonight will bring gave her butterflies inside.

Rushing around the house picking it up doing her normal Saturday rituals trying to stay focused on her every day life. April did her shopping and laundry. She went for her run on the beach as usual. By 4 pm she was done with her normal routines. She thought of Randy all day and thought of her date with Michael tonight. By 7 pm she would be ready for whatever the night held for her and Michael.



Michael; Hello April  oh my…you are beautiful! Smiling at her.

April: Thank you Michael. Blushing. You look very handsome.

Michael; Well, thank you. Smiling and blushing. You ready to go?

April; I sure am. Where are we going? Smiling.

Michael; It’s a surprise. Taking her hand they walk to his car. Helping her in he goes to his side and drives away.

During the drive Michael spoke to her about life in general. His dreams and goals, and he asked her more in depth questions about her and her life’s dreams. They laughed about many things so the drive didn’t seem so long. Michael took April to Calabasas for Dinner, to a nice posh restaurant called, “The Hideaway.” The décor was like a little cozy island hideaway made for two. Tropical feeling and free feeling as they walked it everything was so calming. There were palm trees and island music playing. There was tiki torches lit and a dance floor that was huge and made to look as if on a beach. April loved it immediately.

Michael: You like it?

April; I love it. Her eyes were lit up in excitement.

The hostess took then to their reserved table. Michael had the perfect table picked out. It was a table for two with candles and surrounded by two tiki torches. They could see the stars and the scenery and city lights out in the distance. The waiter came a few minutes later and they ordered their food. Michael looked at April and under his intense stare she blushed. Looking back at him she smiled and asked what he was looking at.

Michael; I’m looking at you and how beautiful you are. I love your dress but the dress only accents the beautiful woman you are.

April;  Blushing. Michael you are so sweet thank you. Smiling at him.

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