Chapter 16-New Plan

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Judy POV{}

I was relieved when I told Mr.BB about what had happened with Nick and confident that we would save my beloved partner. I was also curious to know who this Alpha Jaguar was, the only jaguar I know is Mr.Manches, but he is in his house in the rainforest district. As we headed to the planing room I was quite the whole way. I knew Jack noticed so I tried to hide it with a fake smile. We finally arrived into the same room with the layout of Savage City. I then grabbed a red X-Paw marker and walked over to the city map and put dot on where Nick and I were.

"This is were you saw him last?"

"Yes Jack he was here and last and I-I know they took him to this ally on the left.."

"Okay so then," Jack then puts a different lens on the projector. "This right here is the sewer system so we can infer that the ally leads to a door or contraption that leads to the sewers. Where they might be holding Nick hostage..."

I wince at the thought of Nick being held captive.

"Well I suppose that's a good lead, we just need make sure that is where Nick is being held so we won't be captured as well." I say in a low voice.

"Right so lets go with this plan and go save Nick." Jack states assuringly

I simply nod.

We then head out of the room and explain our plan to Scarlet, which she quickly tells Mr.BB. We then grab more gear and finally head out to the helicopter, since most of our supplies are over there we don't need to worry about bringing anything.

As we ride over to Savage City I stay silent. Fearing the worst for my partner.

I promised Nick that I would come back to save him. That is just what I'm going to do.

I say to myself

I promised..

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