Chapter 11-Preparing for the Mission

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Song--I don't like it I love it

<----Judy's POV---->

Ahhhh we are here finally it is about time we arrive at this place! I just can't bring it to myself that this place is so run down just because of a savage animals attack. Well anything can happen right?

I just hope Jack was right about bringing the City back to its beauty! As I walk off I hear Scarlet laughing her head off from when we were screaming in the helicopter. As she keeps walking towards us she trips and Nick runs and grapes her by the arms before she hit the ground.

I suppose I shouldn't get to distracted about that...but, the way she looked into his eyes. Well after their little moment we walk into the headquarters or base to meet Mr.Big Boss and no I am not trying to be respectful, THAT is actually his name! And surprising thing about that is the fact that he is a Kangaroo Rat. I mean it is not the first time I have meet something so peculiar, for example Mr.Big is a shrew. I suppose people follow the phrase "Tiny but Mighty!". Anyway as Jack walks up to him and greets us to him he starts showering me with compliments about how I am the best officer in the ZPD. I say "Oh why Jack you really don't have to do that because I would not be where I am now without the help of my partner Nick!"

<----Back to reality---->

"So this NNick type he must be special to you? And where is he I want to see him?" says Mr. Big Boss

Judy--"Well by special I mean as a Best friend and great partner at the ZPD."

"Why that would be me sir." says Nick in a professional voice

"Ah why hello there Mr?" Mr.Big Boss asked

"Wilde sir Nicholas Wilde. but please call me Nick for short."

Mr. BB--"Very well how do you do Nick.?"

(Yeah as you could tell I got lazy and instead of writing Mr. Big Boss, I am writing Mr.BB)

Nick--Doing very well.

Mr. BB--Well Jack I am very pleased with the officers you have brought from Zootopia

Jack--Thank you sir I am pleased with them as well.

Mr.BB--As you should have heard by now the reason for bringing you over here to this city is the fact it is in a savage animal apocalypse.

Judy--Yes sir and besides bringing OURSELVES we also brought the antidote to the night howler.

Me.BB--SPLENDID I am overjoyed by this news!

Jack--I agree finally...a way to save my people.

Judy--Jack.....we will save your people..I promise.

Nick--Yeah don't worry bro! Soon we will hopefully live a Happily Ever After!

Mr.BB--I really do appreciate all the gratitude you two officers are giving us..

Scarlet--Sir would you like us to...Get the antidote?

Mr.BB--MOST Certainly!

*Scarlet,Nick,Judy, and Jack head to the helicopter to get the antidote*

*They all grab a box. There are 1 million and hundred thousand bullets*

Scarlet--Jeez how many do you guys have in total?

Nick--one million and hundred thousand bullets.


Jack--Hey Judy would you like me to carry your box?

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