6~ The Perfect Day For A Wedding: PART I+II

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Part I:

Naruto's POV~

I woke up the next morning when a bright ray of sunshine hit my face who the hell had opened the curtains. Instantly my ninja senses had kicked in as I sprung out of bed, kunai in hand.

Sasuke sat on the windowsill beside my bed. "You can be such an idiot sometimes you know," he stated.

"And you can be so creepy sometimes dattebayo. I wonder if Orochimaru rubbed off on you?" I responded.

He chuckled. "We better get ready, the wedding starts in an hour."

"What??!!!!" I half asked, half shouted.


Hinata's POV~

My sister Hanabi woke me up really early this morning. I mean the wedding only starts at 1pm.

"Sister, we have so much to do: hair, make up, the dress..... " Hanabi trailed off.

After a couple of hours of Sakura and Ino fussing over my makeup, Tenten doing my hair and Temari sorting out my accessories; they deemed me ready.

A few months ago Hanabi, the girls and I had gone out to shop for wedding kimonos. Only for Father to stop us saying he had it all planned out. Back then I wasn't worried about dresses and venues. All that mattered was that I was marrying Naruto.

But now I was worried. Anxiety was consuming me from the inside. What if I looked terrible and Naruto reconsidered. I mean this supposed to be the best day of my life, what if everything goes wrong!

Not a minute too soon Father walked in, with Hanabi trailing behind him and a 3 servents carrying the the most exquisite kimono I have ever seen.

"It was your mother's" he said.

I was so caught up in the moment that I hugged him and surprisingly, uncharacteristically he actually hugged back. After all these years of him ignoring me and focusing on Hanabi. Almost totally disowning me but deciding against it at the last minute because I might be of some use in an arranged marriage to gain alliances. He finally showed an ounce of of of kindess towards his eldest daughter. Even the servents were shocked.

He stepped out of the room, allowing me to continue getting ready.

As a child I never thought of myself as beautiful. I always had short, greasy hair and a pale, ghostly complexion. I longed to look like my sister with her long, sleek hair and her bold personality. But as I look in the mirror now, surely this person must be beautiful or certainly very close to it.

 But as I look in the mirror now, surely this person must be beautiful or certainly very close to it

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