3~ "Konohamaru meet Hanabi" 💘

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Hanabi POV

With only 5 days left until her wedding it's no wonder my elder sister, Hinata seems to be in such a good mood. The entire Hyūga clan has been talking about how for the past week the shy, elder daughter of the clan-head has been singing and skipping in the passages of the Hyūga compound.

I'm really happy for her, even if I never understood the whole deal 'falling in love' anyway. I know what your thinking how can a fifteen year old girl never have kissed a guy, or had a crush...well the thing is I've never barly even spent time with children my age, let alone boys.

Due to the fact of me being the heiress of the Hyūga Clan, I was home schooled. So I never got to go to the academy and make friends. I've never even been out of the house without my father and/or a couple of escorts. Every day was spent preparing me for my future duties, and the little free time I had was spent with my sister.

I as previously stated both Hinata and the rest of the Hyūga Clan were ecstatic about the wedding. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before my sister's fiancee, Naruto Uzumaki became the Hokage, so naturally the clan was eager use my sister's marriage to their advantage. Over the past year that he has been dating Hinata I have come to know and accept him as a brother-figure.

Naruto is really cool and he cares a lot for my older sister and he was also a really good friend to my late cousin, Neji.

As I finished brushing my hair, which was so long it reached my hips, I turned to my wardrobe to get dressed.

Every thing was going smoothly until a scream of frustration echoed through the hallway of the clan compound, originating from my sister's quarters to be exact. Hinata never screamed and was hardly ever angry.

So I quickly threw on my normal outfit; which consisted on a long-sleeved orange kimono top and a matching knee-length skirt. Both of which had red flame designs on the sleeves and bottom of the skirt respectively. I then stormed over there.

Only to find her curled up in a ball on the floor, crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The florist just called to let me know that they're cancelling our order, due to having to the owners having personal troubles and too make matters worse the musician Dad hired lost her voice and if anything else couldn't go wrong the caterers are cancelling on us to..." she sobbed. You see even though we have could hired a wedding planner Hinata insisted on planning the wedding herself. "Too make sure everything is perfect," she had said.

Suddenly Naruto bursted through the doors, with kid who looked about my age trailing behind him. As Naruto stepped forward letting Hinata jump into his arms; I got a better look at the boy behind him, who I had never seen before.

The boy was just a bit taller than me and had a slender frame. His hair was spiky and chocolate-brown in colour, with 2 long fringes framing either side of his face. He had blue eyes although his eyes weren't as blue as Naruto's but rather a blue-grey. The colour of a storm...

He wore a black and olive tracksuit jacket with charcoal-grey pants and black shinobi boots. He also wore a black Konoha forehead protector, marking him a shinobi. Overall he was quite good-looking.

Hey wait did I just think of a guy was attractive!!! The world is gonna end soon😨.

Only now did I notice that I was staring at him, and him at me. A light blush crept its way up my face. Oh no!! Why am I blushing??? Wait he's blushing too!! Why is he blushing???!!!

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