2~The Serpent's visitor🐍

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A/N: Here's chapter two just a heads up in this story there are a still few white zetsu clones around. Explanation will come in the chapter enjoy...

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto he wouldn't have cut his hair in The Last Movie.


Sakura's POV :

"See you," was I the last thing I heard him say before the arm around my shoulder had disappeared. He vanished into thin air. Probably off to get a gift. Sasuke was especially...no scratch that ALL Uchihas were extremely competitive.

"Hey Forehead girl," said Ino,"Lets go shopping together.

"No, that's fine. I already gave the perfect wedding gift in mind and I don't want you copying me Ino-pig!"

"Suit yourself, I have the perfect gift in mind too. It's probably better than yours anyway forehead girl"

"Girls no need to fight," said Chouji.

"Yes, this just a bit of friendly competition. No need to dampen eachother's spirits," said Lee.

Shikamaru just muttered, "Troublesome women."


Shikamaru's POV

After the meeting Chouji and I went to Yakini-Q to have lunch...well in Chouji's case brunch, lunch and dessert.

Ino didn't want to come, she went straight to buy her gift. Hell, I even politely asked if I could buy something from the same store but she just snapped at me.

"Chouji what are we gonna get," I asked my best friend.

"Oh I already have a gift," he stated as he placed a gold enveloped on the table as our food arrived.

I looked inside complementary tickets to most esteemed restaurant in Konoha. It was so exquisite and expensive that the five Kage dined there while visiting Konoha,

"Wow Chouji this is really a thoughtful gift," I said as I put the tickets back into the envelope. But then I noticed that there were three tickets.

"I plan on going with them of course," he said causing me to face-palm. Really now imagine Naruto and Hinata on a romantic date, with Chouji sitting inbetween the couple as a third wheel.

"I plan to ask the owners for a separate table though," he added and I sighed with relief. Though I doubt that will be allowed. Why would yhey even make an odd amount of tickets, people normally go in multiples of two.

Maybe I could give them money. Yes that's an excellent gift. No hassles for me and they can buy whatever they want. Give the gift of choice.

But then again money might be a too impersonal gift for two people I've known for pretty much most of my life. Everyone will criticise me. How troublesome.

It was then that I realized that I had zoned out. Chouji was already eating dessert, ice-cream to be exact. He was on his fifth bowl after eating 9 plates of barbecue, Man this guy could eat. He mumbled something about eating ice-cream at a skii resort on his last mission.

"Wait, that's it!" I shouted,"I'll get them a free holiday."

"That's good idea Shikamaru. You'll win for sure."

After paging for the bill we set out to look for either Ino or Sakure as I needed a women's input on the womens facilities at the hot springs resort to see if Hinata would like it or not. My mind drifted to a certain girl in Sunagakure. I asked her out on a date during our last mission together, but it didn't go so well as all we talked about was work.

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