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- Eddie's POV -

"Let's take a breather." Richie suggested, gradually releasing me.

I already missed the feeling of his arms wrapped around my body.

Tonight had definitely been eventful.

From talking about our virginities, to seeing Bill and Stan, to having another tussle with the Bowers gang.

But the simplest part that made it worth it all was the way Richie held my hand and pulled me close for the first time in so long.

"I can't believe all of that just happened." I sighed out shakily, still trying to clear all of the thoughts from my head. "That was pretty awesome when you put the ice cream in their faces though."

Richie smirked at that, opening the passenger's door for me before he retreated to the other side.

I took a seat and pulled the door shut.

Richie got into the driver's side and closed his door as well.

Then, he started to unbutton his floral top.

I blushed uncontrollably, and sent a confused glance his way. "What are you doing?"

"My shirt is soaked." He replied, tossing the damp clothing item into the backseat, leaving him in his shorts and gray slip-on shoes. He wiped his filthy glasses off with a stray napkin that was lying in the floorboard and slipped them onto his face. "That's better."

"Sorry for getting you wet when I hugged you." Richie addressed out of the blue, laughing afterwards. "I'm pretty good at getting things wet."

I ignored his perverted comment and glanced out of the window to prevent myself from looking at him anymore than I already was.

I started thinking about things again.

Richie looked even better when he was shirtless, although he did look amazing no matter what.

I pondered on taking my shirt off as well since it was wet, disgusting, and smelt like alcohol.

But I was too nervous.

What would Richie think?

We had seen each other shirtless millions of times growing up together, but it seemed so inappropriate at this moment.

But maybe it would give him a sign, or a hint, or a clue, or something that would say "I like you."

I wanted to confess my feelings, but I was terrified of rejection and ultimately losing my best friend for good.

But what was so weird about me taking my shirt off too anyways?

I was overthinking things, as usual.

What could possibly go wrong if I did it?

I curled my fingers beneath the bottom of my t-shirt and swiftly removed it from my body, dropping it to the floorboard beneath me.

Richie raised his eyebrows out of surprise as he looked me up and down for the second time that night. "Your shirt must be pretty wet too, huh?"

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