Lost In Your Eyes (xReader)

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(Y/N) tried to keep themselves from staring, but they couldn't help it. Especially when everyone else was staring too. They were burning, and not just from their sunburn.

"He's hot," their friend grinned, taking another bite of their twizzler.

"You know what, no one asked you, (F/N)," (Y/N) snapped.

"Someone's got their swimsuit in a twist," (F/N) giggled.

(Y/N) stood up abruptly, brushing the sand off their legs. "I am going for a walk."

"Make sure to give it your best runway strut past the super-cute lifeguard!" (F/N) called after them. They stumbled, tripping on something hidden in the sand, and continued on with their head held high.

For good measure, they did parade right in front of the chair of a certain extremely attractive lifeguard that no one on Happy Harbor's beach could seem to take their eyes off of. (Y/N) did a few stretches for good measure, before slowly wading out into the waves with all the kids and their parents. When it was deep enough, they began swimming.

(Y/N) was no Atlantean, but they were still a pretty decent swimmer. They had almost gotten out to where what few surfers lived in Rhode Island would stop and wait for good waves, when something grabbed their leg.

(Y/N) screamed, as any sane person would, when Kaldur's head popped up out of the water.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" He demanded.

"Don't scare me like that!" (Y/N) splashed him in the face, Kaldur didn't flinch.

"(Y/N), something has been bothering you all day. Tell me, please, what is it?" He implored.

(Y/N) stared down at the water, red-faced. They focused their glare on Kaldur's lifeguard whistle, floating in the water between them.

Kaldur saw it.

"Are you jealous?"

"Yes," (Y/N) said immediately. Kaldur chuckled at their readiness to answer.

"Everyone's oogling my boyfriend. How am I supposed to feel?" They asked.

Kaldur shook his head, he would have hugged (Y/N) to make them both feel better if they didn't have to tread water to stay above it.

"It is a good job, though, with flexible hours. And I could use the money."

"I thought Aquaman took care of all that stuff for your family."

"He does. But that does not mean I cannot save a little bit more to plan an extra-special date for my partner."

Kaldur gently kissed their forehead. "There, was that what you wanted?" He asked.

(Y/N) blushed, and looked around, just now realizing how tired they were, and how far away the shore was now. "Actually I might be drowning please save me."

Kaldur rolled his eyes with a smile. He turned around, allowing (Y/N) to grab on, carrying them back to shore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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