Sons of the Father

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Kaldur was beginning to have his doubts on whether he could pull this off on his own. It had been his plan, he had to see it through.

And it would be the death of him.

"Aqualad?" Five-year-old Prince Joseph of Atlantis looked up at him, the bright green eyes of Queen Mera staring up at him. Kaldur never thought he'd see those eyes so round and full of fear.

"Aqualad, I'm scared." Joseph said, his bottom lip quivering. "What's going on?"

Kaldur hushed the child, brushing blond hair out of his face.

"It will all be fine, Joseph." He lied.

"I will protect you." Not a lie.

Explosions, sounds of gunfire echoed in the distance, and Joseph looked the man his parents trusted him with up and down, taking in the new look.

"What happened to your old costume?" He asked innocently.

"I changed," Kaldur replied quickly, trying to keep Joseph silent as he tried to sneak the boy out of the palace without anyone seeing.

Joseph's face scrunched up in disgust. "I don't like it."

"Tato said you were upset, that you ran away. What were you upset about?"

Kaldur pushed Prince Joseph behind him, shielding him from view.

"I was mad at him, and at my parents."

"That makes sense," Joseph said, with wisdom beyond his years. "Sometimes I get mad at Matim and Tato too, when they won't let me have dessert, or I have to dress up and let Lady Torina pitch my cheek."

Joseph continued rambling they finally reached the palace's outer wall. The sounds of fighting were much louder now.

"I try to go off and hide too, but then I start missing Matim and Tato and I can hear them calling for me. They always sound so scared. Lady Lori said it was because they would miss me if I left, because they love me so much."

Settled in the grip of Kaldur's black metal armor, Joseph stared up at Kaldur's face. "Aqualad, did you miss your parents when you were in hiding?"

Kaldur looked down at the boy in the wonder, before hugging him tightly. "Yes, Joseph. Yes I do.

"Hold on to me now. I am taking you someplace safe."

"Okay," Joseph held on tight, completely trusting in Atlantis' champion.

The sounds of fighting faded as they reached the outskirts of Poseidonis, a place Joseph had never been before. Kaldur took hem to a small, coral- colored home, taking them inside quickly, before they could be seen.

"Hello!" Joseph greeted brightly, smiling at the house's other occupant.

Sha'lain'a stood pale-faced and frozen in the middle of he hallway, taking in her son dressed in his father's armor, holding the prince of Atlantis in his arms.

"Are you Aqualad's matim? You're pretty." Joseph told her.

Flustered, Sha'lain'a quickly thanked the boy before starting on her son.

"Kaldur'ahm, what is going on?" She demanded, anger contorting her face.

"Mother, I need you to take him." Kaldur handed the prince to her. "You and Tato- Calvin, keep him safe. Let no one know he is here. I will let you know when it is safe to take him back to the king and queen again." He turned, his hand on the door.

"Kaldur'ahm, I demand to know the meaning of this!" His mother shouted.

Kaldur froze on the spot, gripping his hands into fists.

"I can't explain it Matim, but all is not as it will seem." He promised. "Please, trust me." He begged.

Kaldur could see his mother's heart break as her face fell.

"I will." She said quietly, sounding broken and defeated for the first time in Kaldur's life.

He hugged her quickly. "I love you, Matim."

"I love you too, Kaldur." She whispered, kissing his forehead. "Stay safe."

Kaldur couldn't promise that, so he just nodded, heading back out the door.

Joseph waved as his old friend left. "Bye Aqualad!"

The door slammed shut.Kaldur swam as fast as he could to the rendezvous point, Joseph's belt gripped in his fist.

"Well?" Manta asked as he arrived.

With a dozen laser guns trained on him, Kaldur held out the belt as proof, covered in fish blood.

"The prince is dead. Call off the attack."

Manta stared at him for a long time, before taking off his helmet so that Kaldur could see his face. "I am proud of you my son."

Kaldur nodded and remained stoic, but the thought made him sick to his stomach.

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