Confessions (xreader)

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Request from my friend -voidgrayson. I'm so sorry this took longer than I wanted it to!

"I know you're in denial," Cassie sang, a dollop of ice cream on her nose.

Gracyn took a napkin and wiped her younger teammate's face free of dairy, all while balancing her own smoothie and ten bags of shopping among her arms.

"What are you talking about, Cass?" She asked. 

"You and Kaldur! You were totally making heart eyes at his biceps during training!" Cassie insisted, taking another lick from her cone. 

"It's the same look Karen always got when we stopped to watch football practice," Megan laughed, eating her own ice cream. Karen had no reply except to flush furiously.

"What? No way!" Gracyn said, but she didn't sound convinced herself. 

"Come on, Gracie, everyone knows that you were head over heels for the guy a couple years ago. Are you telling me that was an act?" Barbra asked.

Gracyn stomped off, and the other girls had to run to catch up with her. "I don't even trust the guy. He betrayed the team and he didn't even try to tell anyone that it was some stupid prank." She tossed her plastic cup in the trash bin.

"He wanted to," M'gann said, almost as an afterthought.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at M'gann, her caucasian skin turning bright red. 

"When I...uh, when I was...when I..broke Kaldur's mind, I saw his memories of him planning with Nightwing. It was his idea to go undercover, as you all know, but it was Nightwing who wanted to keep it a secret. He said our reactions would sell it, and get the Light to trust him more. Kaldur wanted to tell us, he knew that a betrayal would hurt all of us, especially after what happened with Tiamat." 

M'gann looked right at Gracyn. "He wanted to tell you, but Nightwing wouldn't let him."

Gracyn swallowed. "Thank you for telling me, Megs. I...I've got to think about it. But girls?"

"Yeah?" The girls chorused.

"Please don't bring this up again."

They sighed. "Yes, Gracyn."


The zeta-tubes finished their designation, and Gracyn was slightly off-put to find herself in the Watchtower. Moving bases was going to take some getting used to.

"May I help you with your bags?"

What was almost just as off-putting was having Kaldur right there, almost sneaking up on her.

M'gann's explanation played through Gracyn's mind. 

"Yeah, I'd like that." She handed half the bags to Kaldur and the two walked to the bedroom wing of the tower, currently rooming a couple Leaguers without secret identities in addition to Superboy, Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and Gracyn.

"Thanks," She said to Kaldur, keying the code for her bedroom.

"You are welcome." Kaldur tapped his foot nervously.

"Is something the matter?" Gracyn asked.

Kaldur bit his lip, handing Gracyn her last bag so that she could put her things away. "Actually, there is something that I wished to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Gracyn prompted.

"I...I wanted to apologize, for my actions towards you in the past year. I understand that my betrayal was a particular struggle for you."

Gracyn dropped her bags on her bed and looked at Kaldur, who stood in the doorway. "Who told you that?"


Gracyn nodded and looked away, scowling. Stupid Superboy and his super-big mouth. 

"I also apologize if I am being too forward, but I was also told that before...before I had feelings for me."

Gracyn's heart skipped a beat.

"A-and who told you that?"

"Also Connor." Kaldur chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. Neither of them had the guts to look each other in the eye, afraid that it would be something other than awkward.

"I see that I was a fool to think you would still harbor those feelings, especially after what I did to you."

Gracyn bit her lip, hearing the floor creak beneath Kaldur as he turned to leave.

"I am sorry for bothering you, and I hope you can forgive me."

Gracyn took in a deep breath and spun around. "Kaldur-!"

He turned at the same moment and their eyes locked.

"I...I forgive you." Gracyn spluttered out, her cheeks turning pink.

"I-I did not mean to pressure you..." Kaldur held up his hands, taking a step towards Gracyn.

"No, I wanted to do that. I should have done it a long time ago." She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Just like I should have told you how much I love you."

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