Lifeguard (xreader)

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Just FYI if you request and xreader shot I will give the character a name because writing y/n y/l/n and that stuff is too crazy-stressful for me.

Of course, most of those names may end up being "Emma", "Kiran", or "Jaina". XD 

I kid, I kid, don't worry.

This prompt/request is from my lovely Just_A_Writer_Girl14. Thank you so much!

Though it was summer, New England hardly ever got above seventy-seven degrees Fahrenheit. But for Natalie, that was boiling hot. Every day she was sitting on the big white chair marked with a red cross. The lifeguard seat was meant for two, but the Happy Harbor beach was never crowded enough to warrant more lifeguards.

Until today.

"Jake, I don't need a partner!" Natalie told her boss. "I've been doing this for three years, and everyone on the beach knows me well enough not to cross me."


"And if you're worried that I'm getting soft because things are getting too calm, I swam out to save a six-year-old and a gross old guy who went past the sandbar yesterday."

"Natalie," Jake said sternly. "It's not that I don't have confidence on your ability to enforce safety and to save those poor saps, but it's national park regulations. Lots of people have been moving to the Harbor in the past year, and by law, we are required to hire at least one more lifeguard, whom I've already found. Plus, this way you'll be able to sit back and relax."

Natalie huffed and marched towards the office door. "I hate sitting in that chair."

"Don't forget to be here early tomorrow! I want you to show our new recruit the ropes!"

Natalie slammed the door behind herself.

In all her years on the job, Natalie had never been late to work. Today, however, she waited in her car for ten minutes after she parked just to tick of Jake.

Jake ignored her attitude, all smiles to keep things flowing smoothly for their newest lifeguard.

"Natalie, this is our new fish, Kaldur." Jake pointed with his thumb at a dark-skinned, tattooed guy who had to be at least six feet tall, and that blond hair had to be dyed. 

"Kaldur, this is going to be your mentor, Natalie. She's the only other guard we've got, but she's the best we've ever had, and the most dedicated." Jake was so buttering her up right now, but it was not going to work.

"It is a pleasure to be working with you," Kaldur stuck out his hand.

Natalie eyed him, grabbing her life board as she pushed past him. "Charmed." She huffed.

She could hear his footprints as he followed her across the sand. So he was going to be one of those insufferable puppy-dog types, wasn't he?

"Mister Jake said you were to teach me about being a lifeguard here." He said. One hand was around the second board provided by Jake, the other was shoved deep in his khaki shorts pocket. 

"Noy much to teach," Natalie snapped, propping her board up on the seat and re-tying her hair in a sloppy bun. "You make sure people follow the rules, and save they're bacon if they get stupid and start to drown." She boosted herself up onto the seat.

Kaldur nodded, deep in thought.

"Hey! No glass bottles! We've got bare feet here!" Natalie gave a short burst on her whistle. The man carrying the bottles of root beer glared at her, but nevertheless he headed back to the parking lot to put his bottles in the care.

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