Chapter 10 "A Day Without Them"

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(Tsume's Reminiscence)

"Six years and three months. That's how long I've been on Earh now. Some people would be home sick by now, but I've come to see Earth as my home. That is until one day when I had to spend the whole day without Trunks or Goten. That day I did become home sick and wished I could go back. Even if only for a day."

Dende: What's wrong, Tsume?

Tsume: (Looks at Dende) Trunks and Goten had ot go speand the day with their dads.

Dende: I see, but I don't understand why you are sad. (Looks out the window.) Easpashlly when it's such a nice day out today.

Tsume: I'd like it better if it was raining.

Dende: (Looks at Tsume and sighs) I don't Know what to tell you.

Tsume: (Shrugs) I'm just a bit bored.

Dende: Maybe you could read a book, draw a picture or even go exsploring outside. (Leaves Tsume to her thoughts and goes back to work)

Tsume: "Maybe I can have fun without the guys." Yah! I'll go exsplore the desert. I haven't been there yet. (Flies to the desert.) Wow! It kind of reminds me of my home planet. (Lands) "Remembers the owases back on my home planet. I wonder if there is one around here?"

???: What brings you here?

Tsume: (Turns around and see Piccolo standing behind her.) I'm bored, so I'm exsploring.

Piccolo: Without your side-kicks?

Tsume: They have other things to do today.

Piccolo: I see. (Looks passed her.)

Tsume: Hey Piccolo.

Piccolo: (Looks down at her.) What?

Tsume: Can you point me in the direction that I can find an owasays?

Piccolo: .........

Tsume: Well?

Piccolo: (Points to the right.) Head that way about 200 klomiters. You should come upon a small one.

Tsume: Thanks PIccolo. (Starts walking.)

Piccolo: Why are you walking, flying is faster.

Tsume: (Looks back at him.) Cause I'm exploring. (Turns back around and scampers off.)

Piccolo: ........ "At least she's doing something to keep herself busy. Can't say the same thing for Trunks and Goten. Those two just keep complaining, because they can't see her today. No matter, back to training."

Tsume: I wonder what Piccolo was doing out here? (Shrugs) No matter. After all, I'm exploring today, so off I go. "Now let's see, Piccolo said to go 200 klameters this way. (Looks up.) But the birds are going 10 degrees to the left. Birds of the desert always know where water is. So I'll follow the birds for awhile."

(Tsume walked for about 15 mints before coming acrossed a truck with a flat tire. A little girl around 6 or 7 was standing next to the truck, while her dad or older brother was changing the flat tire. The little girl spotted Tsume and waved to her. Tsume Smiled at her and walked over to join the little girl and her father or brother.)

Little Girl: Hi. My name is Molly.

Tsume: Nice to meet you Molly. My name is Tsume.

Molly: Big brother say hello.

Brother: Hi. (Stands up and shakes hands with Tsume.) My name is Matt.

Tsume: Pleased to mee you, Matt. (Looks at the tire.) Do you need a hand with that?

Matt: I sure could use a hand.

Tsume: Just tell me what to do.

(Matt smiled at Tsume and asked her to pull the tire off, while he put the new one on. Tsume nodded and did as she was instructed to do. With in 5 mints they had the tire changed and was sitting in the back of the truck sipping bottled water.)

Molly: So what are you doing out here, Tsume?

Matt: Molly don't be nosey. (Looks at Tsume) Sorry about that. She's creasy about everything.

Tsume: It's fine. (Looks at Molly.) I'm exploring the desert for the day.

Molly: Cool!! Are you looking for anything like hidden treasure?

Tsume: (Tsume and Matt laught.) No, I'm not looking for hidden treasure, but I am looking for an owasays.

Molly: Oh. Hey Tsume.

Tsume: Yes.

Molly: What's an owasays?

Matt: An owasays is a place here in the desert, where a person can find plants and water.

Molly: We live at an owasays, then.

Matt: Kind of. We live on the edge of the desert, Molly.

Molly: Oh. (Looks at Tsume.) Do you want to come home with us?

Matt: Molly!!

Molly: I'm hust asking.

Tsume: Thanks you, Molly, but no thank you. I have to find the owasays one of my friends told me about and then head home before it gets to late.

Molly: Ah. Alright, but can you come and visit some time?

Tsume: (Smiles, while Matt rolls his eyes.) I'm sure I can find the time to stop in and visit for abit. That is if your older brother doesn't mind.

Matt: (Smiles at Tsume) I don't mind.

Molly: Yay!!!

Tsume: (Giggles) I'd better get going, if I'm going to get to the owasays and home before nightfall.

Matt: We could give you a lift if you want.

Tsume: (Smiles at Matt and Molly) Prohappes another time.

Matt: Another tiem then. Come on Molly. We better get home as well.

Molly: Ok. Bye Tsume.

Tsume: Bye Molly.

Matt: Take care Tsume and don't be a stranger.

Tsume: Same to you and Molly.

(Matt and Molly drove off. Molly sticking her head out the window, waving bye to Tsume. Tsume smiled and waved back, then headed for the owasays.)

Tsume: "The sun will be setting soon. Good thing I can see in the dark." Oh. There's the owasays. And here I was starting to think that I missed it.

(Tsume stayed at the owasays till the sun set for the day. Then she flew back to the watch tower, where Dende and Mr. Popo were waiting for her.)

Dende: Well it looks like you found something to keep yourself busy today.

Mr. Popo: Welcome back, Tsume.

Tsume: Thank you, Mr. Popo and yes I had an adventure of my own today, out in the desert.

Dende: Bet that was interesting.

Tsume: (Smiles) It was, but now. (Yawn) I think I'm ready for bed. Night Dende. Night Mr.Popo.

Dende: Good-night Tsume. Sweet dreams.

Mr.Popo: Good-night Tsume. See you tomorrow.

"I remember going to sleep and waking up to see Trunks and Goten smiling at me. I smiled back and at the same time, we all three asked how each other's day when, yesterday."

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