Chapter 4 - Details about tutoring

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// Lunch time //

Lovino walked to the cafeteria, bought a sandwich and sat on a branch outside of the building. He never ate in cafeteria, other people were annoying him. Antonio walked by him when he went to the cafeteria with Francis and Gilbert. He quickly bought something and headed after him. ,, Oi, Toni! You von't eat mit us?!'' the German called after him. ,, No! I'll pass today!'' Antonio shouted while running after Lovino. When he finally found him he sat down next to the Italian boy. And I thought he won't come, Lovino thought while biting into his sandwich. ,, Hola, Lovi~! Sorry it took me so long but there was a lot people in the cafeteria,'' Antonio smiled at him. ,, You don't need to apologize for that,'' Lovino said after swallowing. ,, Okay~! So, about the tutoring thing...,'' the Spaniard began. ,, I've been wondering if you could tutor me. I'm failing science and I heard from Kiku that you're good at it. We could meet at my place at Fridays to study Spanish. And at your place we could meet at Sundays to study science. How does that sound to you?'' Antonio drank his tomato juice which he bought. Lovino nodded while swallowing, ,, Fine by me.'' ,, Since today's Friday you can come over.'' ,, Where?'' Antonio gave him puzzled look, ,, Where what?'' ,, Where should I wait for you after school, dumbass?!'' Lovino shouted at the emerald eyed boy. ,, Just wait outside of the school,'' Antonio grinned. Lovino made a ,Tsk' sound and after finishing his sandwich, he left. Antonio sighed but smiled for himself, Lovi, you're a thought case, aren't you?

// After school //

Lovino walked down the hall to his locker. He opened it and changed his shoes, and put on his jacket. As he closed it, he saw his younger brother coming to him. ,, Ciao, big bro~! Ready to go?'' Feliciano cheerfully asked. ,, Um, sorry, Feli, but I'm going over to friend's house,'' Lovino started to walk from the school with slightly red cheeks. ,, Friend's house?'' Feliciano followed him. Lovino nodded. ,, Who is it? Someone I know?'' Feliciano speed-walked to his brother. ,, I don't think you do,'' Lovino looked at his phone. ,, Oh, oh! Is it Antonio?'' Feliciano asked. ,, You know him?'' Lovino looked at his younger brother, surprised. ,, You think I didn't see you when you were walking to school together?'' Feliciano smirked. Lovino backed away with his head. ,, So, is it Toni you're going over to?'' the younger Italian asked. ,, W-well, yeah,'' Lovino answered as they walked to the gate. ,, I'm going to wait here so you can go home,'' Lovino said as he stopped walking. ,, Okay~! See ya later!'' Feliciano said as he walked away. But when he was still close, Lovino mumbled: ,, Be careful on your way home.'' Feliciano's smile grew bigger, ,, Sure will!'' And so, Lovino waited alone while it was cold outside. The Italian waited five minutes, then ten minutes, fifteen minutes and after that half a fucking hour! ( Excuse my language) He was freezing. He couldn't even feel his fingers anymore, when suddenly, he felt as someone hugged him from behind. ,, The fuck?!'' he turned his face to see Antonio resting his chin on Lovino's shoulder. The Italian notice bruise on the Spaniards cheek. ,, W-What the hell happened to you?!'' Lovino worriedly asked. Antonio just smiled, ,, Ball hit me on the training.'' Lovino studied the bruise and Antonio's face. After a while he sighed. ,, Lo siento I made you wait for so long,'' Antonio apologized as they walked down the street. ,, You should be! I couldn't even feel my fingers!'' Lovino pouted. Antonio chuckled at how cute Lovino was. ,, I'll make you hot chocolate, 'kay?'' ,, F-Fine by me,'' Lovino slightly blushed. They were now walking in a killing silence. When they walked down the icy sidewalk, Lovino suddenly slipped and started to fall. By reflex Antonio cough him and Lovino clung onto his uniform sleeve. They stood like that for a while, staring into each other's eyes. The weird feeling in Lovino started to work again. It grew bigger by every second. ,, Are you okay, Lovi?'' Antonio's question snapped him from his thoughts. ,, Y-yeah. Thanks,'' Lovino stood up with blush crossing his face. ,, Should we hold hands like this morning?'' Antonio outstretched his hand. The blushing Italian heisted for a while but then he nodded and took the Spaniard's hand. As they walked, holding hands, Lovino found himself in a rich like street. ,, And we're here!'' Antonio stopped in front of a big mansion. ,, T-this is where you live?'' Lovino managed to say after gasping for air. ,, Sí. Welcome to ,Residence de la familia Carriedo' !''


Hey, everybody! Thanks for reading this chapter. See ya next time!

- Boora-chan

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