Chapter 20 - The strong Hungarian nurse

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// After school //

Francis and Gilbert left the building but before that, they waited for the Italian boy by his locker. When he didn't show up they started to worry more. They took his school bag and walked to the gate.

,, We should look for him. He couldn't just disappear. He must be somewhere here,'' the blonde said with thick French accent. The Albino nodded and they started to look for him. As they walked past the corner of building, Gilbert noticed someone sitting on the ground and leaning onto the wall. Gilbert's eyes widened in shock when he recognized the boy's curl.

,, Lovi!'' Gilbert gasped as he ran to him. ,, Lovi, are you okay?!'' Francis asked while shaking with the Italian's shoulder. Lovino looked up at them but didn't say anything. ,, Ve should get him to the nurse's office,'' Gilbert said while wrapping one of Lovino's arms around his neck and standing up. Francis shook his head, ,, She left already.'' ,, Then, what now?'' the German looked at his injured friend. ,, Let's go to hospital,'' Francis took Lovino's and Gilbert's school bags.

As they walked to the front gate, they heard a chuckle. Gilbert and Francis looked the way it came from and saw three girls looking at the, and it didn't seem like they were laughing on some joke.


After the doors to hospital opened and they walked in, a brown haired nurse walked to them. ,, My, my...He doesn't look well. Let me help you,'' she picked Lovino up bridal style. Gilbert and Francis stared at her. ,, Man, she's awesomely strong. But not as awesomely as I am,'' Gilbert grinned. ,, Oui, oui. We should follower her, mon amie. I hope Lovi's going to be okay,'' Francis said as he started to walk.

,, You think it was Louise and her friends?'' Gilbert asked in a whisper. ,, Je ne sais pas. They might've done it but only with someone's help,'' the Frenchman paused, ,, I won't forgive those who did that. And I bet that Toni...'' He then stopped. Gilbert stopped too and looked at the blonde. ,, Should we tell him?'' Gilbert asked. Francis heavily sighed, ,, We both know him; he would kill them. Literally. For the time being let's keep it as a secret. Lovi needs rest, not an angry Spaniard who kills people just by glaring at them.''

The two started to walk again. ,, Guess you're right,'' Gilbert nodded. The brunette nurse who helped Lovino, came to them. ,, Please, sit down,'' she said while pointing at chairs. Both teenagers sat down. ,, I need to know your friend's name, birth date and what happened,'' the nurse took a pen in her hand and waited for their answer. ,, The name's Lovino Vargas, March 17th and what happened...,'' Francis looked at Gilbert. ,, We don't know what exactly happened,'' he finished. After a while of looking at them, the nurse stood up and started to walk away.

,, Excuse me, miss...?'' the German looked at her. ,, Héderváry,'' the nurse smiled at him. Gilbert straightened up, ,, Miss Héderváry, vill he be okay?'' ,, It's not that bad,'' she patted him on his head, gently smiling at him. Gilbert thanked her and sat back in his seat. ,, We should call Feli,'' Francis broke the silence between them. Gilbert only nodded. Francis took out his phone and dialled Feliciano's number.

,, Prontto?'' he heard voice with Italian accent. ,, Bonjuor, Feli,'' Francis greeted back. ,, Francis!'' the little Italian sounded both; happy and surprised. ,, What's up?'' he asked. Francis sighed, ,, Lovi's in hospital.'' ,, What?! Fratello is?! Why?!'' Feliciano nearly shouted. ,, C-calm down, Feli. I'll tell you what happened when you'll get here, oui?'' Francis said before hearing the younger boy agree and hung up.

,, Feli's pretty worried, nein?'' Gilbert looked up and Francis nodded. After more than 5 minutes they heard someone's phone ring. They looked at each other. The Frenchman slowly stood up and walked over to the near table. It was Lovino's phone ringing. He took it in his hand and looked at the screen. ,, Vho's calling?'' he heard he German ask. Francis came to him and sat down. ,, Antonio,'' he said, feeling scared. Gilbert looked at his friend from the screen. ,, Vhat now?''


Hello, guys! So, I updated it today and you might as well guess that today's a special day. It's Christmas! Well at least in my country. Merry Christmas, everyone! And merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates Christmas tomorrow or on any other day. 

Thanks for reading. Love ya! Have a splendid Christmas. 

- Boora-chan

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