chapter 24

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"OK who am I'm sharing a b-" I said to Hayes came running into the room

"mix up Sammy your in the other room I'm in this room" Hayes said with a big smile on his face

"k" Sammy said

"we are all going to Starbucks at 5 so be there" Sammy said grabbing his bags.

"Bed Mates" Hayes said jumping on the bed.

I started to jump on the bed


I hear my phone I pick it up off the bed and look at the text

Taylor: I miss you a lot bar

"look what Taylor texted me" I said throwing my phone to Hayes

he looked at the phone and failed out laughing. he called him and put his finger over his lips.

"Angie plaza let me talk" Taylor said

"it not Angie, it Hayes...... and  I just want to tell you it best if you leave her alone for now Taylor she trying to focuses on her and fans" Hayes said

I can't believe Hayes just said that. Hayes. but it is true.

"well....... OK tell her I said hey" Taylor said and hung up the phone

"Hayes did you really say that" I said hiring Hayes

"yes I really did" he said sitting I. the bed.

"ugh your so mean and let get ready for Starbucks I think I wear my shirt that said 'Hayes" that was like a base ball shirt with Booty shirts and some blue red vans" I told Hayes

"but you ain't got no booty to be in them booty shorts" Hayes said

"My booty is bigger then yours" I said while putting off my shorts

"girll  please you dont have a booty" Hayes said putting on a shirt that say 'live life like Angie'

"nah my booty is" I said putting on my shirt with my vans

Boo stop being so rachtet and just say my booty bigger and we can end this before we get to jacking" Hayes said putting on his kaki shorts with Nike shocks and Red vans

"let go before I beat you ass up in here" I said grabbing my phone and walking out to the stairs.

"Boo hold up I'm coming" he said running to me

He open the door with the key  jump on his back and we walk down the stairway. I took a selfish with him and post it on Instagram

'#Anyes with the dumdass today

When we were down the street from star bucks we saw Sammy and Cameron they were standing there out side. We ran over to the Starbucks

"what's up Niggas" I said

"Hayes Angie get In now some crazy ass fan are.... noting just get  in" Cameron. said

"fine" I said walking Into the Starbucks every one looking at me

"what" I yelled

" you haven't been on twitter yet?" jack g said

"nope" I said

Hayes log on to my twitter and saw that a fan is giving me hate saying that I'm bout to fie I. Starbucks

"what df I ain't scared of thus bitch let her come at me It be world war 3 all over aging" I said walking to the door when hayes picked me up.

" calm down... we got this" Hayes said hugging me

who ever this bitch is maybe my list. and it not a good list to.

hey guys did you like or bah don't you think Angie a d Hayes are the cutes thing ever❤❤❤ but walker is just so cute we will see how this case and my lab top broke so...... I'm update on my phone so it take me a bit.. but I love you guys

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