How to Cope With Missing Your Boyfriend

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I thought I would be generous today and give you two new chapters to read today!! This one goes out to one of my best friends, @totallyfabulous123.

We all know that it's really hard to not see or contact your boyfriend for a long period of time. That's what's going on right now with her. We have a week off from school and she doesn't even have his number!!! So I am going to help her and some of you that have the same problem.

Our guys may be stupid and idiotic, but when we don't see them or talk to them, we get lonely and sad. :( But what you can do to get over that is to distract yourself.

Some ways to do that are to text some friends, go see a movie, and hang out with some people who can distract you enough to stop thinking about him.

Another way is to not mention him. Don't bring him up in a conversation. If you do, you are more likely to think about him more.

Some other ways to stop missing your boyfriend is to think of how stupid your friends are. (@totallyfabulous123 you won't have a problem with that considering you hang out with me!) Sorry, off topic. Anyway, just ask some friends to do something and then go do it. This will help you stop thinking about your boyfriend. Case closed. I hope this helped @totallyfabulous123!!

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