Long Distance Relationships

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Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are extremely difficult! Fortunately, my boyfriend and I go to the same school and see each other in between classes and sit together during school wide assemblies But some of you aren't as lucky.

Now some of you may have boys or men that live across the world or who are overseas in the army. It's hard to still communicate am I right? Here are a few ideas listed below to help you.

1) Skype- great to use and is free. (if you have an iPod, FaceTime works as well.

2) Text- even though it may not be as great as seeing the person like in Skype, you can still talk to them which is very important. (any text app works. kik, snapchat, regular phone texting.)

3) Calling- this one is in the middle because it does cost money and can be really expensive, so you decide.

4) Send a letter- this can get pricy as well but is also very romantic. <3

5) Set up a time an place where you two can hang out- seeing each other may be a slim chance, but if you can, try and set up a time and place where you two can hang out and see each-other. That is the best.

These are just ideas that you can try, but there are a million more that you could look up on the Internet that is very important in our lives.

There are four special steps In order to keep a strong long distance relationship. I came up with a cool name to go along with it! ;)

C: Communication: Extremely important!!! Call, text, Skype, send a letter.

T: Trust: Trust your partner to stay true to you an be loyal.

L: Loyalty: Stay strong in believing your man/ boy will stay loyal to you.

L: Love: Love your guy no matter what an know he will be there.

I hope this helped you all because it has helped me in the past.

Message me on my board, in the comments, or send a private message.

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