How to Make Contact Less Awkward

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I would just like to make a shout out to @Catscatscats122 who made a great suggestion. Thanks!!!

Okay this next chapter is about how to make contact less awkward. By contact, I mean holding hands, kissing, etc. And we all know how awkward this is.

To make things less awkward, make sure you yourself is ready for it. Don't rush into it. Let it happen on its own. Now that sounds weird right? Here's what I mean.

Don't plan when your going to hold hands. That's weird. What you do is let it happen on its own. Example: You and your partner are walking down the street. You both are going to the __________. (<----- use your imagination.) So on your way there, he grabs your hand. Nothing was planned whatsoever. You didn't say "hey on Monday we are going to hold hands." No. It happened on its own and it's not awkward.

Now I know it may seem awkward at first but after a while its not. Just please be sure you both want to hold hands or kiss because if you don't, that's going to be ten times worse.

I hope I answered your question @catscatscats122!!!

Rebecca update: Lost all her hair officially. :( But has no cancer in her body. Her spirits are up and feel free to post shout outs to her on my wall. (also known as my 'message board' I personally call it my wall but know you know what I mean.)

Btw thank you to all that have asked questions and voted for this!!! It means so much! Again, post comments!!! And just so you guys/girls know, I check my 'message board' way more than the comments just so you know so please post them there if you can. I do check the comments, but I do that like twice a week.

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