The End

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And with that, we come to an end of this long little journey.

I hope the characters will remain with you for some time.

I hope they made you remember the lost characters of your story.
If you liked them, do leave them a message.

As Tanmay said, it's easy to get lost. But it's hard to remain lost. And when you're alone, that road never ends.
So today, pledge to make the roads easy for the ones in your story.

And in the end, I hope you enjoyed the story with all your heart. If not your entire heart, then maybe with some bits and pieces of your heart. What matters is you enjoying it.

There's no better joy for me than to hear my readers enjoying the journey.

But then, no one is perfect. And neither is every story.

So I'm sure this one must have the flaws too. Today, I want you tell me all the flaws that you found in the story.

Yes, for one final time, criticize me with all your heart too.

Because this criticism will help me when I sit to edit the story. So don't leave anything out. Say it all.


With that, this writer takes your leave.


Hold on. I almost forgot this.

Before we depart, let me remind you of the most important thing.

"If you're really into something, there's always a chance that you can get lost in it."



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