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'They say when you're really into something, there's a chance you can get lost in it.'

It was the tenth time he was reading her message. At first, he had thought it was just one of those things she said to get his thoughts rolling. Just one of those things she said to get another story out of him. Then why does it feel different?

A reader is the most precious gift this world can give to a writer. Having a reader meant there were expectations from you, that there was a responsibility on you, and a constant pressure to bring out the best in you. A reader could keep you writing regularly, but a good reader can persuade you to keep on improving every second. Having a reader was a really special feeling.

And if a reader was someone like her, a writer would feel like the luckiest person around. No, not someone like her, just her.

'You can get lost in it.'

Her words rang in his mind once again. She was right. Because he was lost. Lost in her.

She had always been a mystery to him. She had revealed so much of her true self but nothing really that could be traced back to her. She was the kind of a mystery even the great Sherlock would have been proud to solve.

Yet, it was this exact anonymity that attracted him more.

None of it mattered now. Because she was gone. Gone without a word, without even a bye. She disappeared just like that. He knew he should be angry. If her presence had perfected him, her absence was ruining him. And still, he could not get over her.

More than the friend, he longed for the reader that left him.

No, he decided. "I won't write any more stories till you come back. What's the use of writing when I don't have my favorite reader reading it?"

No, I won't write.


15th May 2017

A reader is a very special thing for a writer. And so, even you have a responsibility as a reader. If you start reading a story, then no matter what, you should read it till the end. Because you never know what that last word has in store for you.


So, it has finally started.

Why do you think left?
Or, has she?

Stay tuned to find out...

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