sixteen | phil

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It was definitely different when Phil got back to school. It wasn't a huge difference but they held each other's hands on the way to class, and for the first few day he was back at school Dan insist he wear his hoodie. Phil refused to bring a hoodie to school, claiming it would only get his body more sluggish.

Nobody really mentioned anything for the first few days, which was surprising, knowing Zoe and Louise. It was actually pleasant knowing they just didn't care.

Phil had just woke up, it's been about five days since he's cured from his cold, they were almost on winter break at their school too. Which meant they had to turn in their crappy romantic story by Friday. They weren't expecting it to do as well as their last story, but they weren't expecting to fail either.

He checked his phone for his usual text from Dan.

danyul: no going to school today dr appointment xoxo dan

Phil snorted before responding.

Phil: your so damn cheesy have a great day getting poked and prodded at

danyul: >:(

He put his phone down and began to get ready for school. He was honesty worried about Dan though, he'd missed a week worth of school and they'd only been there for four months. It's not even him just being lazy or anything, beside that one time getting sick he's days off were mostly to the doctors office. It worried Phil. He made a mental note to ask him about it later.

When Phil was approaching his locker, he saw Louise talking to some guy. He was tall with blond hair and glasses, he was holding a book close to his chest like his life depended on it. He was looking down at Louise and laughing, they were practically centimeters apart. Phil, being the oh so good pal he was, walked up to them squeezing in between them to opened his locker, making sure to give this boy an aggressive look as he finished getting his stuff and slammed the locker shut.

"I gotta go now, bye Louise." The boy, with a surprisingly deep voice, squeaked out before rushing away.

Louise turned towards Phil with a scowl. "How mature Phil."

He smiled brightly, bopping her on nose as he winked.

Her scowl was gone and replaced with a gentle smile. "I love you Phil, but you don't have to go into protective mode whenever somebody comes near me."

He thrusted the notebook into her face, his nose in the air.

Yes I can

She rolled her eyes and huffed, blowing wavy locks out of her face. He sighed, writing something else more reassuring down.

You're like my over achieving older sister, I can get as protective as I please

He quickly added something else down at the bottom.

Who was he anyway

She smiled at him again, more of an annoyed smile then anything, but it was what he could get.

"And you're like my annoying little brother." Phil put his hand to his heart, feigning shock.

She rolled her eyes. "And his name is Jake, he's in my drama class, he's the one that played Inchabod Crane in our Halloween play."

Phil vaguely remembered it, they'd all promised Louise they would be their for her big play. She'd even got roll of the leading lady, so it wasn't that much of bored.

"Anyway, he asked me if I wanted to go over a few lines for our Christmas play, which is on Friday, you all better come."

Phil nodded, tossing her a pack of sticky notes with a message on it.

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