four | dan

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Dan forgot that he and Phil were supposed to work on a project at his house tonight, so he neglected to tell his mum. Which meant at the end of the day he had to take home a boy, one that his parents don't even know or even seen before. Or if by luck, his mom would answer his damn text at the end of the school day, he would be home free. But luck wasn't really in his favor, it never was.
Except for yesterday, being told the news that he could be able to hear again was mad. But that was yesterday, today he was buzzing with nerves. Not because a cute boy was coming over to his house but because he was really thinking this over now. Surgery always scared Dan.

What if they did something wrong and messed him up even more? Dan didn't think that was possible but it could be.

Just as he was about to have a nervous breakdown down he saw Phil from across the hall talking to Louise. Seeing her talking so happily with Phil tugged on his heart strings. Well, at least she was doing most of the talking, Phil didn't seem to do anything but nodding along and smiling to whatever she said. He didn't seem to talk much at all in fact, but then again neither did Dan. After he lost his hearing talking didn't really matter to Dan. It's not like he didn't talk ever, he would say hi, bye, thank you, he would tell his mum I love you. Not really big sentences but enough to get by. He would never talk at school though, he couldn't hear but that didn't mean he didn't know what people thought of him. The Howell's kid that couldn't hear, they all looked at him for some reason that he didn't know so he suppose he would give them a reason. That would explain his locker, you would know it was his locker from a mile away.

While all the other kids locker were light blue his was painted to look like a galaxy. An artist he wasn't, but he could draw pretty well. So yeah, he gave them a reason to look. Black clothing? Sure. Painted locker? Why not. Nail polish. Absolutely. He didn't give a fuck. Not anymore.

As he walked into Maths he saw Phil wave enthusiastically at him. He smiled a bit and waved back. He didn't miss the way Phil's eyes lit up when he did. Mrs. Collins gave him a packet to work on with step by step instructions in how to do the work.

Like Dan needed it, they had already told him that he could he moved to an honors class, but he refused. He quite liked being smarter then the rest of his peers. He rushed through his packet quickly so he could get at least thirty minutes of sleep before science. Sadly enough he only got about 15 minutes of peaceful resting before someone was shaking his shoulder, waking out of his slumber. "Adrian." He mumbled, he didn't know how loud he had said it, but he had tried to say it softly as possible. Still in the state of sleeping, he messily thanked the person who woke him up and made his way to Science.

Science had to be one of Dan's least favorite classes, the teacher didn't let him do any labs because he couldn't hear any of the instructions. What an ass. The one thing good about it was that the teacher, Mr Hill, let him eat his lunch in the classroom in return for Dan not telling anybody. He usually tries to try in this class but today was different, he couldn't wait for next period. He didn't know if Phil will want to seat next to him again but he hoped he would. The class went by too slow and he practically jumped out of his seat when he saw the others getting up for their next classes. He tried to slow down as to not draw any attention to himself. But he got strange looks anyway, it wasn't new but this time people were laughed and looking behind him too. He turned to see the drama teacher, Miss Hopkins, coming straight for him. He rolled his eyes and continued to walk to class. She was always doing this, she wants him to paint sets for the play coming up this spring. He's told her time and time again no, but she just keep asking. He finally made to Miss Marie's class, a bit out if breath as he had to speed walk a little in order to keep Miss Hopkins away from him. He felt the seat next to him shift, he smiled, turning to see Phil smiling back at him.

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