thirteen | phil

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Phil watched as Dan cheered and pumped his fist as they left the building with Louise for Thanksgiving break.

"Come on guys, feel alive!" Dan shouted. "We all got A's on our first book and we have a whole week off of school."

Phil smiled watching Dan skip down the steps of the school. He wasn't one to show any emotion really when anywhere in the public. He must've been really happy.

"Let's celebrate!" He begged them. "It'll be fun, just the three of us video games and junk food," he nudged Phil in the side. "A hell of a time."

Louise loved the idea. She suggest they do it at her place as her mother and father wouldn't be there on a Friday night. Apparently thats their 'date night.'

Phil finally agreed as well. Dan hugged him from behind.

"It'll be great, we can eat pizza and gummy bears."

Phil was sold at gummy bears.

During their walk to Louise's place she brought up the idea to invite Zoe to their little gathering. They had been talking while walking, not a bright idea. Dan had to save Phil from hitting himself on a pole more then twice.

L: she did help on the book it not like she just sat there putting on her makeup

P: I dunno it suppose to be celebratory I don't won't her to be a bitch

D: you want me to slap her for her honey

P: that would be wonderful thanks

D: plus it's Friday shouldn't she be partying the night away

L: I know her don't like her but we should just ask

L: chances are she'll turn us down anyway

P: okay

P: she better watch it though

D: yeah I'll slap a bitch

D: do you think she'll hit me back? is their a law again hitting the disabled

L: sweetheart your true disability is your dumbness

She didn't turn them down.

While He and Dan ordered the pizza Louise texted her asking if she'd like to come over. She said yes.

So instead of complaining they just ordered an extra pizza and played Mario Kart. Until she got there.

They thought she was the pizza man so Phil got excited and ran down the stairs, almost tripping to get the pizza, only to find it was Zoe.

He didn't mind Zoe, that wasn't the problem. It was the way she handled things. Like a spoiled five year old she threw tantrums and talked too much. Perhaps it was Louise's fault as well but she didn't want to hear that.

"So what are we doing?" She asked.

"Mario Kart, ever played?" Louise asked.

She shrugged. "When I was younger, a little."

"Go against Dan then." Louise groaned. "He's like a Mario Kart genius, no one can beat him.

Zoe took up the challenge and schooled Dan on how to properly okay the game he so dearly loved.

"You beat me." He said, looking at the screen in awe.

Zoe have Dan a sweet smile and asks what they're doing next.

They decided to build a fort using old blankets, chairs, and an army of stuffed animals.

Dan fell on Phil multiple times. He fell on him so much Phil began to think he was doing it on purpose.

Phil was tying a final piece of the bed spread to a chair to keep it steady when Dan tripped over a pile of pillows and landed on Phil.

He giggled when Phil toppled over and he landed on top him. If Phil hadn't been with him all day he'd say he was drunk.

Dan bucked his hips up against Phil then leaned down gently, kissing his nose.

"Oops, clumsy me."

After hours of trying to get the fort to stay still they finally got to lay in it and watch a movie. Phil got to pick the movies since he was harassed by Dan the whole blinding experience. (Which he quite enjoyed by the way, but he'd never say that)

He chose The Lion King so he could watch Louise scream and Dan tear up as Mufasa got trampled. It was quite funny even thought he felt like shedding a few tears himself.

Zoe stayed silent as she ate half a bag of party sized Cheetos and drank Fanta. She had been quite nice that evening. She put Dan in his place at Mario Kart, helped make the fort look like something off Tumblr and she gave someone for Louise to properly talk to instead of two lazy boys that didn't talk or hear.

As the movie fell to a close Phil felt his eyelids drop and someone put their arm around his waist.

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