twenty | phil

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Phil ended up not going to Dan's about halfway back to town. He didn't want to be a bother, beside he would ask why Phil was upset and he didn't want to give him an answer. Instead he made his way back to the apartment, it took a while and he didn't have his earbuds. He didn't know how long he walked til he saw the small playground that was a little while from his apartment. From the bushes he saw a little girls head, that's all he saw but he could tell she was in the monkey bars by how high she was. As he got closer he saw an older man at the bottom of the monkey bars trying to coax her down.

Must be her dad. Phil thought as he passed.

Makes sense, it's pretty dark and a middle school girl shouldn't be at the park on her own. He was just to walked passed the park when he heard the girl squeal and turned around.

Now she had her legs curled up to her chest, and the man had his hand resting on the money bars trying to grab her feet. He immediately knew something was wrong and made his way over.

As he got closer he yelled out, which hurt his voice quite a bit, it's been years since he yelled.

"Hey!" He shouted. "It's late, and ugh, Mom wants you home."

She have him a wide eyed look and the guy at the money bars scowled.

"Buzz of kid, we're just talking." He then noticed the a young women sitting on the ladder of the monkey bars.

"Shut up!" The man said roughly. "Looks like you got to get home kid, I'll see you later though." He winked at her then looked at Phil. He began to memorize the features on his face then the girls, he needed to remember this.

The young girl crawled over to Phil who was set at the other side of the monkey bars. She grabbed his hand once she was on the ground and began to walk with him. They didn't talk until they were a good distance from the park.

"Thanks," she muttered, she was a cute girl, around middle school age, had a big pile of black choppy hair and big brown eyes to match her skin tone. "Can you... Can you walk me home?"

Phil nodded. "Sure, where'd you live."

"Maroon Avenue, it's by that little cupcake shop."

Phil knew it, Zoe's parents owned the shop, from what he knew she decorated most of the cupcakes.

He nodded, at this point she let go of his hand and began to walk on her own. He wanted to talk to her, ask her who those people were and if they've been bothering her before that moment. He was glad he walked by when he did, he would've hated to see a missing kids add in the paper in a day's time.

"Do you like Pokemon?" He could've slapped himself, he shouldn't be this nervous of talking to a twelve year old.

"Yeah," she answered. "My favorite is Kyogre, what's yours?"

"I don't have favorite." He said.

"Bullshit, everyone's got a favorite."

He almost squeaked, how extensive have kids vocabulary gotten?

"I have a favorite food."

"Mines Reese's Pieces, but I'll have them in cereal form."

"I like pancakes, a lot."

She laughed. "I noticed, you're wearing an iHOP sweater."

He looked down and laughed, he'd forgotten about that. He almost laughing because his first actually conversation in year was with a kid about Pokemon and junk food.

"What your name?" She asked, balancing herself on a curb.

"Phil, because I'm as sweet as cake phil-ing."

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