Chapter Nine- Roses, Tea, and Books

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I unpacked my clothes and put them into my drawers as Rima sat watching me. Her eyes followed me as I went from my bag, to my drawer, to bag, and to my drawer. I didn't have much clothes so the process was rather quick.

"That's cute," she noted as I gently slid my silver rose bracelet off.

"Thanks, some boy gave it to me when I worked at the bakery," I smiled reliving the memory.

It was a warm spring and I was baking cupcakes. I'd taken the batch out of the oven and I was waiting for them to cool.

I stared out the window as I was making the frosting. I was beating the heavy cream automatically, watching the green leaves of the trees sway gently to the sound of the birds' melodies.

The bell of the front doors had chimed happily as a customer walked in. Sophie, one of the other coworkers, who didn't exactly fancy me greeted the boy.

"Can, I, uhm see Miharu?" I overheard him ask awkwardly.

Sophie let out a sassy sigh. "Miharu! A customer needs to see you!" she yelled.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled out throwing in vanilla, and sugar to complete the frosting. I wiped my hands on my apron and I made my way to the front.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile looking at the boy.

Sophie glared at me as she tapped her foot impatiently.

The boy looked uncomfortably at Sophie, drew in a deep breathe and slid a small white box toward me. I looked at it for a moment.

"What is it?"

"Open it and take a look."

I gently picked the box up and opened the top. Sophie's eyes widened as her dislike for me grew to hate.

"Oh! I can't accept this!" I exclaimed looking at the beautiful bracelet.

"Well, you're going to have to, because I'm not taking it back."

I studied him for a moment. He didn't look like he was joking.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed as I reached over the counter to hug him.

I saw his face blush slightly as he hugged me back. After our embrace he nodded and left. That was the last time that I'd ever seen him.

My heart suddenly hurt as I remembered the boy. A few days after his visit, he'd died. It was all over the newspapers. Apparently, the boy had been attacked by some wolf. His throat was all ripped up.

I sighed as I let go of the memories and focused on now. Yesterday, no one came to inspect the dorms, so Aidou was a bit grumpy. I was going to help Hana today. Today, would also be my first day in the night class!

I found some comfortable clothes and slid them on. 

"Bye Rima, I'll be back later today."

"Mhm," she nodded.

I exited the room and shut the door behind me quietly. Almost everyone was asleep. I yawned as I walked down the stairs. I saw Aidou sitting on a couch.

"'Morning!" I smiled as I made my way over to him.

He looked really grumpy.

"'Morning," he said tired.

"What are you doing still up?"

"I have to wait for some guys because they want to recruit me for some thing or another."

"Oh," I sighed sympathetically.

"Why are you still up?" he asked looking at me.

"I have to go buy rose petals for Takuma's cookies, and help that girl, Hana."

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