You'll make one hell of a Winchester (Winchester boys and john x reader)

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So, this is set in season one when the boys go looking around for john

Readers p.o.v

It's been six months since john went missing and we picked up Sam from Harvard. I feel bad for the boys, honestly. Sam having to be pulled out of the one chance he had to not end up like us just because his father decided to send him on a damn scavenger hunt. And dean because he's always only been a pawn or soldier to john, something he can call once a month for help and abandon. dean doesn't even realize it. I swear when I meet this son of a bitch I'm gonna give him a reality check.

Dean opened the door just as Sam and I had finished the string map tracking john. "guys he just sent me an address ... moms old place.". Sam and I looked at each other fast before looking back at dean "what's the problem?" I asked.

"well, it seems there's a poltergeist or something in the house." Sam chimed in, "you think its mom?". "or the demon who killed her..." I added. Dean started to get upset, "look, whatever it is someone's in trouble there and it's our job to help. Plus, dad sent us there. Where ever he tells us, we go. So, get your asses packed and in the car" dean grabbed his duffel before slamming the door and walking off to the impala. "here we go again" Sam grabbed his duffel and started packing. I started to unpin the map before also packing my stuff "your father pisses me off so much" I threw my bag over my shoulder as Sam opened the door, "I know, but we have to do this" I walked out and got in the backseat. "took you guys long enough, come on let's go" dean started the impala and we begin our long journey to Kansas.

*time skip to after to hunt*

"hey dean can you check in the living room I think I heard something back there" Sam called from the kitchen. I sat on the porch cleaning up any mess we left.

"dad...." My eyes widened as I quickly got up and walked to the living room only to see Sam, dean and john freaking Winchester in the middle of the room. "hi, boys. who's this?" john pointed to me. dean turned around and put an arm around me while smiling, "this is, (y/n) the one that's kept Sammy and I trucking." I smiled and held out my hand, trying to give the man in front of me a chance to make somewhat of an impression "hi, nice to meet you, sir." He took my hand and shook it "I've heard lots about you, can't believe my boy got the infamous (y/f/n). you're a legend, truly." He smiles before letting go. I let out a polite chuckle before responding, "your boys would say the same about you."

Sam finally spoke up, "dad we've been running around the country looking for you, why show up now?". "because I knew you guys could handle this, anyway I have to go. Until next time boys, (y/n)." I looked at dean and Sammy, both their faces shocked and filled with remorse. I let out a swift breath as I looked at john, "you're kidding, right? You just show up for twenty minutes after abandoning your boys and rejecting their calls and your just gonna stand there like 'hey, nice to know you're alive, peace out '. hell, I really gave you a chance here, john. Deans told me about you, how the only thing he wanted to do was impress you. How Sammy didn't even get a chance at anything close to a parent figure, but instead got a brother that tried his best to let him have a normal life. Honestly john, how can you do that to your boys? they do everything you ask of them and follow your every command and you can't even be bothered to stop to have dinner with them?" dean cut me off, "(y/n) that's enough..." "no dean it's not! You haven't slept in weeks, Sammy missed his interview aka the only shot he had to not end up like us. like a low life, depressed, alcoholic hunter and your asshole of a father barely cares." I looked at john in disgust. "goodbye, john Winchester". I looked at him once more and let out a sigh as I turned out to go back to the impala, Sam soon following me. Right before I could walk out dean spoke up, I stopped in the threshold to see what had say not even turning my head back to look at him," dad, I'm so sorry..." john then replied. "no, you know what son, she's right. Shell make one hell of a Winchester too" he let out a chuckle as he passed Sam and I in the doorway. "bye boys,". dean turned back around and watched his father drive off in the old mustang. I looked back to dean, h just stood there looking about as pissed and upset as the rest of us "Dean I'm not apologizing, you know I was right..." I left the boys at the door and got back into the impala. The drive home was full of silent tension and I knew it wasn't going to dissipate anytime soon.

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