Tattoo (Winchester x reader)

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"guess who's sixteen and can fight demons now, fuckers!!" (y/n) said when she walked down the stairs to her brothers, "*buzzer noise* not yet shorty, you've got to get something first" dean said stopping her while she was ahead. "ughh, fine" she raises her hand, "I solemnly swear to never put myself or anyone else in danger blah blah bla-." "no, you have to get a anti possession tattoo" Sam cut in. "YOURE LETTING ME GET A TATTOO?!" she exclaimed excitedly. "no,no,no, we are letting you get a tattoo to protect yourself, not for shits and giggles." Dean slowed her down once again "awhh you're no fun" she deflates . "yea, yea, now go get dressed, slugger" dean says she just laughs and runs back to her room . "she's so hyper in the morning" dean says sitting down chugging a cup of coffee , "wonder where she got it from" Sam jokes, also sitting.


          You three entered the tattoo parlor and decided to get the anti-possession tattoo on your wrist . before getting started the artist sits down and says, "so what possessed you to get this ?" and suddenly you heard a collective groan from the boys , "it's for a satanic colt so, if you don't mind, I'd rather cut the small talk and get it done, thanks!" you  said with a smirk "(y/n)..." Sam said with his dad voice "what ? that's basically what it is". "you know, she's got a point" dean chimes in. "ugh...just... whatever" Sam surrenders . "ha! You guys fight like siblings" the clueless tattoo artist states, another collective groan going around the room.

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