Flower/tattoo shop au (dean x reader)

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So I found one of these where dean was the tattoo artist but I thought it would be cooler if it was switched so that's what this is :)

Reader p.o.v

My commute to my brother's tattoo parlor is always very interesting, especially considering we are located dead in the middle of the French Quarter in New Orleans. Take a left at café de monte, pass the candy shop, and then right next to Winchester flowers is the tattoo parlor.

Dean, the man who owns the flower shop , brings in fresh flowers for my tattoo station every week. In return , I bring him pie on my way back from lunch. Dean and I are very close and often get confused for a couple by costumers when he drops by. Honestly, I wish we were a couple. I sometimes even find myself sketching flowers the same emerald color of his eyes.

The chime of the door awoke me from my deep Elysium, I looked up from the front desk to no other than dean winchester himself, wearing a yellow flannel and smirk, standing in the doorway " hey flowerboy" I say returning his smirk "he tattoo girl" he replies setting down the vase of fresh tiger lilies on my desk . just then my brother walked in , " oh good, loverboy's back". I shoot him a glare and turn back to dean " so dean, what can I do for you ?" I ask. He then pulls out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and hands it to me " actually, im here for a tattoo, a quote actually ." I look down and read aloud the quote " family don't end in blood". " it's a thing my uncle bobby used to always say, he pasted away a couple months ago . I came to you because I thought I could trust you to do the best" he informs me, still rocking that smirk.

"you trust me?"

"do I have a reason not to ?"

I simply just shook my head no and showed him to my chair. " okay so im thinking maybe on your chest or arm ? its totally up to you though" I suggest. "actually if we can do it on the opposite side of my other tattoo that'd be great" he agreed.

I laid the stencil down and set up my needle "oh god" he murmured. " its okay dean, youll be fine, its not that bad, really! If I can withstand getting one on my tougue you can get one on your chest. You said you trusted me right?" I asked. "yeah, yeah I trust you (y/n) ."

After about two hours I finally had it done "okay, im done! Go have a look" I said cleaning up . he immeaditly sighed and walked over to the mirror " oh my god! Its amazing ! dude that's so good , thank you!" he exclaimed in excitement , then he suddenly turned around and kissed my cheek . I could feel my cheeks heating up and flushing red, "oh! Im so sorry .. was that out of line?" he looked scared for a second and started to panic . I started to laugh trying to calm him down " no, I actually didn't mind in the slightest" he answered with yet another intoxicating smirk. After he paid , which was half off because im nice, my brother stopped him .

"hey dean"


"next time you come in here if you're not asking my little sister out ill beat your flowered ass"

Dean nodded and then smiled back at me before leaving. the next afternoon when I walked over to give him his pie he welcomed me with open arms and gave me a ticket for dinner that night on the Natchez, I can't wait....

Heyyy btw the Natchez is a big river boat in New Orleans that serves dinner cruises.

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