highschool crushes ( sam x reader )

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third person point of view 

"have you seen the way Ms. (l/n) and Mr. Winchester act around each other? i wonder if they have a thing going on,",says reauna (thats me ;}). "yeah, they're totally together, should we ask?" replies her best friend Hannah . "dude you dont ask teachers about their  personal life ! its weird" the first girl replies . "oh come on! Mr. Winchesters pretty chill. get up were going," , Hannah insists " i never understand how you can just do whatever, i mean you have no filter" reauna bickers while getting up, throwing away her food and shuffling to catch up to her persistent friend. "oh, hush you love me". 

Hannah knocks on the door and waits for a go ahead. after a faint "its open"  she opens the door. "hi Hannah , reauna" Mr. Winchester replies nodding a hello at each girl , "hi Mr. Winchester, we have a questio-" Hannah starts but gets interrupted before she could finish, "correction, SHE has a question i dont . i told her it was too personal and shouldn't ask" reauna frantically informs while Mr. Winchester sits at his desk confused . "reauna, you're rambling again" Hannah murmurs before continuing "Mr. Winchester ive realized you and ms. (l/n) are a bit close," he imeaditly tenses up . "i was just wondering is there anything between you two and do you need a wingman -er wingwoman i suppose.." . "uhhhh, haha you know what girls i wish there was but sadly not anyway you guys should really be going the bells gonna ring soon " he says pushing the girls out. suddenly reauna gets a boost of confidence and opens the door with only her head inside the room, " ASK HER OUT MR, MOOSE", then quickly shuts the door leaving Winchester with confusion but also confidence. "moose man, reauna" hannah says walking back to the cafeteria before they both turn to mr. winchester opening the door and sprinting to ms. (l/n)'s room "GO GETTEM MR MOOSE" they both shout cheering him on. 

 sams p.o.v 

oh god why am i doing this ohgod ohgod ohgod .  what am i even going to say ?? screw it ill figure it out later. i walk into (f/n)'s room. "uhh (f/n) , you in here?" i call out to her. she pokes her head outside of he conjoined storage closet "over here sam" . i smile as i walk over to her "whatcha doin" i say as i lean against the door frame with my arms crossed. "oh, just rearranging somethings i got new microscopes today i cant wait to use them tomorrow!" she beams obviously excited. "cool! hey, are you busy later?" i ask kinda frantically . her eyes glow up "are you asking me on a date winchester?" she asks putting down the box of microscopes. "uh.. uhm.. yes?" i say worried. she simply pulls a beautiful smirk, "id love too sam " she says grasping my tie a bit and pulling up to kiss my cheek . "okay... i..uh .. ill pick you up at 7?" i say running into the door handle in between words stop fumbling idiot.   "see you then" she says as she holds the door open for me just before the bell rings . i turn the corner and see hannah and reauna "nice job winchester" hannah says as reauna gives me a highfive . " you two are the best " i say laughing and walking back to my classroom . 

"awwh look at our otp" reauna says watching the now couple, walking together  down the halls " we did good " hannah replies giving reauna highfive .  

wassup fam ! anyway i hope you guys liked this one . it had no other than i and my best freind hannah in it (hey best friend)  and i had a great time writing this. bye kids. stay in school dont do drugs and wear your seatbelt 


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