big brother Sam x little sister reader

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I stare at the clock waiting for 3:30. Mr. Bailey going on and on in the background. Talking about global warming like always. 'riinnnggggg'. I rush to grab my bag and to the band room to pick up my clarinet, pushing through the stampede of high school assholes in my way. once I get to my band locker my director stops me "(y/n) all state try outs are next week, please tell me you have your solo prepared!", "of course Mr. Riggs!" I reply. "that's my star student" he replies with a smile. I then finally grab my things and rush out to the car ramp.

          When I finally get there, I put in my earbuds and play "carry on my wayward son" while I wait for whoever was supposed to pick me up today.

After a while I hear the roaring engine of the family treasure, baby the impala. "hey (y/n)", my brother says cheerfully as I get in the car. "hiya Sammy" I reply as I enter the impala. "okay so here's the deal. Dean's got himself a 'lady friend' at the bunker. so, I decided while we wait for them to finish ..." I chuckle "we could ride around town and have some, you know...quality brother/ sister time". "okay. Ooh! Actually, you know something we haven't done in forever?" I ask excitedly," what?" he responds, "mini golf! come on Sam! remember the good times we used to have with dad and dean playing mini golf!" I say with a glimmer of hope in my eyes. Sam gives me a soft, warm smile, "sure thing kiddo. Then well head over to good old' Dolores's for dinner, sound good?". "perfect Sammy!" I smile.

We talked of old memories, future and yet to be real dreams. "hey Sammy, do you ever think about going back to law school?" I ask "I used to but honestly, I don't think I could. I mean, I've been a hunter forever now and once you're in you can't go back" "yeah, I know, it's just I was considering an arts school for photography. And I don't know, I wanted to check it out" "oh, (y/n), you should apply! I've seen your work, its great! dean and I will always support you no matter what" he says pulling me to a side hug. "thanks Sammy".

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