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A/N The facts in this are most likely historically wrong as I only used the French Revolution as a prompt and did little research.

Paris, France.


Levi heaved out his lungs as the dust choked him. The house must have been abandoned for years. The thick white layer covered the floor to the ceiling. The wooden panels were revealed from under the peeling wallpaper and the floorboards creaked with every step he took.

It was empty, though. That was all he needed.

The revolution, he thought, was far from over. He needed somewhere to hide. This would do. It fell just out of Paris, still close enough to be claimed as part of the city but far enough away that it would not become canon fodder, courtesy of the army.

He wasn't needed, not yet. It would be a long journey when he was, just as it was a long journey to get out of here. But, he was needed away from the action- his skills much better used in the final battle than the ones leading up to it. If, that was, there ever was a final battle. Erwin had followed suit. As leader of their segment, he couldn't be at the forefront of the battle. Despite his strength, that was not how he fought. They needed a tactical leader and Erwin was just that with a mind of the utmost intelligence- and, much to many's dismay- an aristocrat.

Levi just sighed now when another death threat came to Erwin. It was nothing new. The lower ranks were dumb and as useful as a bunch of pigs, in Levi's opinion. They didn't realise what having an aristocrat on their side meant. Erwin knew the ways of the king as much as the royals himself, he had been ranked high and had been inside the palace more times than he could count. He knew the king. He knew the king's plans. He knew everything they needed.

That did not explain, though, why Erwin had not sent him out alone. Levi was their asset, their strongest soldier, surviving battle after battle without so much as an injury. They didn't know whether it was his ability with a gun or sheer luck. Eren, on the other hand, was rather useless.

Having just turned sixteen, he was a naive kid. He knew what he wanted and he fought for it. He had grown up, similar to Levi, in nothing better than the mud of the streets and it had bred a fearful determination within him.

Yet, the kid still couldn't fire a gun and hit.

Erwin, for some daft reason, had thought that Levi would do good in training the child. 'We need people like Eren.' He had stated, his face as composed and determined as ever. 'He has the determination of a bull and with you by his side, he could be one of our best fighters. We have too many people dying, Levi. We need some trained soldiers.' Levi had nodded, as obedient as ever, and taken the kid by his side.

Levi tried to ignore the ever-present presence behind him, walking alongside his shadow. The only thing that told Levi he was there at all was the echoing second pair of footsteps and the odd sensation of eyes staring at the back of his head.

'Pourquoi me suivez-vous, sale gosse?' Why are you following me, brat? His thick accent indiscernible to anyone that wasn't Eren, the boy had spent far too much time with him. The boy stopped, the footsteps making a sudden halt, bringing up more dust that Levi could have thought there was.

'Pardon.' He muttered before scampering off to god knows where. Levi let out a breath, feeling far more peaceful with the lingering presence gone. It didn't lift his spirits enough to accept the state of the house, though. It may have been abandoned but it was clear enough that the people who had lived here before hadn't cleaned either. Years worth of dirt, muck and dust had gathered. Levi already knew that there was little point in him trying to clean it.

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