Chapter 13: Looming Disaster

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Maegden lay with her eyes closed. She felt strange as she realized someone was holding her. She opened her eyes. A beautiful man lay next to her with hair like that of raven wings. His well muscled arms were wrapped about her protectively. She felt a blush rising in her cheeks as she noticed how entangled their bodies were. He was so incredibly handsome that she could stare at nothing but him. Ettrian's eyes opened then. He stared into her eyes as if looking at her very soul. She felt lost in his stormy blue eyes. He leaned down bringing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and warm, welcoming her. She returned the kiss. She felt more comfortable than she expected. She wanted to forget that the world existed outside of this bedroom. Their kisses became passionate as they spent the morning discovering one another. They became a true couple as the morning went on. Love grew between them as they realized that they were still bound to one another and could finally express the love that they felt. 

Ettrian and Maegden did not leave their chambers once for the rest of the day. They became a true husband and wife. The two spent the day talking and learning much of one another. Although Ettrian felt that he knew Maegden very well, after all he had spent many days at her side in the body of a raven. He loved how she blushed when he flirted with her. Even after they had made love she was still shy with him. He loved the beauty of her. She was attractive but that wasn't it. She had an inner beauty that lured you in and made you want to be near her. He was happy to say this was his wife , the queen of Olomelle. She had an inner strength that surprised you and a loveliness that left you breathless.

Maegden blushed as Ettrian playfully ran his hand along her shoulder. He was so good looking she couldn't believe it. He was more than that though. He was so gentle and loving with her. He was intelligent in many aspects, which made him fun to talk with. They had spent so much time talking and just laughing together. He actually had a softer side that she was sure no one ever saw except maybe his sister. His sense of humor was clever and witty. She wanted to spend forever in this room getting to know him. He made her feel special with every touch of his hands. His kisses had been warm and sweet, inviting her to get to know him better. She felt drunk basking in his love for her. 

The two leaned forward, embracing as they stood in the moonlight on the chamber balcony. Maegden's stomach rumbled. She realized that they had not left the room the entire day.  Ettrian leaned down finding her lips with his own. She felt the soft breeze envelope them. The scent of roses and night blooming jasmine filled the air. His hands pulled her closer as he held the back of her head and waist. He pulled his lips away and looked into her eyes. "I love you Maegden, I could spend an eternity here with you and then some." Starlight reflected in his storm ridden blue eyes.

"I love you too Ettrian. I feel like I have loved you for a thousand life times." She smiled up at him then with a warm heart.

 A booming sound could be heard in the distance. A sound like that of an enormous explosion. The balcony shook slightly. The two lovers gazed at each other and knew then that Ettrian's homecoming was over. A disaster loomed in the distance and war was about to be waged.

Craban flew up into the air and over the couple. He cawed out long and low. He was alive and free but for how long.

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