Chapter 8: A Rose Among Giant Thorns

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Maegden had sat in Val'istar's negotiation room with his supposed general. He talked of allowing him to search for the king and to allowing him to infiltrate places he had never been allowed before even by Ettrian. Maegden simply told Val'istar that for now there would be no changes to the treaties that were currently in place. She had everyone at her command searching for the missing king. She suggested that he maintain his own borders since he was much closer to the trolls than she. 

Maegden now sat in her carriage beside Isyivel, stroking Craban's silken ebony feathers. Isyivel laughed heartily while discussing how idiotic her uncle's face had looked when Maegden told him she would not need his help after all. There was something nagging at Maegden's mind. She had felt the greed emanating from Val'istar. He seemed so eager to violate the treaties that had been set in place in the past. What was he after?

"How well do you trust your uncle to follow what was stated here today?" Maegden stopped midstroke gently resting her hand on Craban's back. 

Isyivel looked at Maegden as if seeing her for the first time. Even the bird cocked his head to the side in curiosity, a gleam of excitement welling in his eyes. "I do not trust my uncle in any way. I have told this to Ettrian many times yet his kind heart refuses to completely distrust him. There are too many moments in the past that I have felt that he lied to cover his true intentions. Even as a child my instinct was to disbelieve his words. He adores wealth and power far too much. Besides my spies have seen things that he has done in his own city that are not actions of one who has pure intentions and the peace of his people in his heart. Why do you ask my sister?"

Maegden loved that Isyivel now considered her to be her sister. It made her heart feel at ease while they dealt with the troubles of the kingdom. "You have spies? Can we utilize them? Isyivel, Val'istar is up to something. I have never been so sure of anything in my life. I have noticed something curious, with Craban at my side I do not feel ill. If he leaves then I feel the change is unraveling. It is hard to explain. Perhaps the transformation magic that the trolls used was to transform the king into something that Val'istar believed would not be able to speak."

Isyivel and Maegden's eyes both widened as they stared at the strange raven that stood in the queen's small lap. 

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