Chapter 7: Negotiations and Tricks

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Maegden breathed heavily as the  pegasus-led carriage lighted on the cobblestone. An immense palace was laid out before her as she exited the carriage. There were thirteen ridiculous spires that looked as though they were fighting to touch the sky above. Everywhere Maegden looked her eyes were assaulted with an over indulgence of gold. It was literally lining everything in Val'istar's city. Isyivel had already warned Maegden that her uncle was nothing but a trickster playing dress-up. 

Maegden looked at Craban who landed on the carriage and released a caw of what sounded like definite  protest. Maegden stifled a laugh. She looked to Isyivel, who nodded in confirmation. The guards took their places around their new queen in a very protective stance. "Well shall we go into the lair of the dragon, everyone. All of you be on guard. I feel that he is not pleased with circumstances. Especially after all you have told to me sister." Maegden held her head high and lifted her skirts slightly so she could walk up the never ending stairs.

Isyivel looked at her brother's wife in appreciation for having listened to her thoughts regarding Val'istar. She walked her left flank as she would her brother. The guards were even more protective with Maegden than they had been Ettrian. She knew with Maegden in charge her brother would be found and brought home. She had faith that this new queen was capable of anything and would not be dissuaded by Val'istar's riches and baubles. 

Alerue walked the right flank of his new queen. He was not sure what they were about to walk into, but he did know that Val'istar employed at least one deadly assassin. He was not letting the queen out of his sight for any reason. He would do whatever he could to protect Ettrian's wife. He believed in her. There was just something about her that said she was going to do what she could to protect the realm. After all she gave up what she once had in another realm to come here and rescue his people. She fulfilled an ancient prophecy without question and came to save a people she had never met. That seemed as selfless as it gets in Alerue's eyes.

Craban released a caw of warning and protest to his queen. His dark blue eyes stared at her as she walked up the steps and ascended into the vulgar castle of the lord of the city. Craban felt confident in those that surrounded Maegden but he didn't know how he knew these feelings to be true. Something tugged at emotions a mere raven should not have. He took to the sky and flew the perimeter of the overly large palace. He flew high above and to the other side where it sat over looking an ocean. The back side of the palace sat on sheer cliffs only accessible by climbing up from the sea or flying. The air ahead however sizzled with a strange energy that was almost visible in some lights. By instinct Craban sailed and turned to the left and went back the way he had come. MAGIC! Craban felt worried and terrified. As he sailed away from the magical wall that surrounded the entire back side of the palace and extended to the cliffs below, he noticed a sea cave some 150 foot below the base of the castle. There was what looked like a nasty and rather ugly troll standing guard just inside the edge. If only he could tell his queen but there was no way to reach her once she was inside. He would tell her once they returned home and were safe from those who might not understand.

Maegden stepped forward through the threshold as the great doors were opened to the throne room beyond. She was almost sick at the sight of the people inside. They were so heavily decorated with gold and jewels. Everything in this city was too much. There should be a limit to how much one publicly displays. Many of the females wore dresses that were low cut and displayed not just an overabundance of their womanhood but jewels on top of jewels. Maegden imagined the many heavy jewels around their necks must weigh quite a lot. She walked with her head held high none the less. The only jewelry she displayed was a simple tiara and her wedding ring. Even her beautiful shimmering gown was much simpler than most displayed here. She felt vulnerable even with the guards surrounding her. They were allowed to keep their weapons sheathed at their sides. Even Isyivel had outfitted Maegden with a silver bejeweled dagger. It stayed strapped and sheathed on her right thigh beneath her flowing gown, a reminder that they were in the company of danger. They stopped before Val'istar and his over-sized throne. One might think he must be compensating for something in one form or another. Maegden bowed and curtsied out of politeness. She looked up as Val'istar spoke. His words were honeyed and laced clearly with poisonous intent. Maegden smiled appropriately. She knew that this would not be the end of things here in this overdecorated court of lies and betrayl.

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