Chapter 12: Return to Greatness

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Maegden poured over the spell books day and night in the secret chamber beneath the garden maze. All the while Craban remained perched at her side. If someone were to happen upon the scene they might think her to be some crazed witch with a raven as a familiar.

 Well into the fifth week not long after the last visit from Isyivel, Maegden had just returned to the stone room to study some more. She stood on a wooden ladder reaching for a book. She flew the rest of the way up using her gossamer wings to fly where she could not reach. A large tome glistened with energy in the flickering light of the many torches in the room. The scent of orange, ginger, cloves and bergamot drifted to her. It was a scent that she had smelled the first time that her and Ettrian had met at the binding ceremony. She pulled the tome from its place on the shelf. She hugged the book to her chest as she landed and put her wings away. She sat the book on the nearby podium and opened it. Energy rushed into Maegden's body magically lifting her body up off the floor. She hovered three inches off the floor. Her hair flew about her face as if she were in a light wind. Her blue eyes glowed bright. She placed her hand on each page as she turned them absorbing every spell it contained. It was something she had discovered that she could do the second week she had spent here in the magical chamber. She stopped her eyes growing wide, there it was. It was the spell she had been searching for. She finished reading the book and flew up placing it back in its place on the shelf. 

"Craban are you ready to return to your true form and free the king that you hold inside?" Maegden had also discovered in her time here that the king was actually fused with a raven and that there were two entities within one body. She was glad that she could keep Craban and gain her king back from his lost state. Maegden bent and drew a circle on the floor with apiece of blue chalk. She placed Craban in the center on a bed of lavender and dried orange slices. "Don't move my raven friend. I need you to stay very still." She lovingly petted his feathers.

Maegden flew up just above the circle and began speaking a lost ancient language that many would not understand. Craban watched as her aura flared bright silver with specks of gold, purple and blue. as she recited the words her golden hair flew out in all directions as if caught in a violent breeze. Her hands flew wide as she closed her eyes in concentration. She sprinkled a mixture of diamond and silver dust down on the circle containing Craban. He felt strange then. Something in him tore. He heard a terrible ripping sound. A searing, burning pain crippled him causing him to fall to his side. He felt afraid but he couldn't fly away he had to trust the queen. He closed his eyes. Craban's breathing slowed. Maegden's words came faster and faster, her voice booming with magical energy as she spoke.

Maegden recited the spell three times as it was meant to be. She landed beside the circle. Craban lay on his side breathing slowly. Maegden finished the remaining part of the spell by drawing a new and larger circle connected to the smaller one. She once again laid out lavender and dried orange slices. This time it was enough to place a faerie on. She rose up in the air vigorously speaking and throwing the diamond and silver dusts about the new circle. She closed her eyes and recited the spell over and over until her voice became hoarse. A bright silver flash exploded in the room and Maegden fell hard to the stone floor unconscious. 

Ettrian looked over and saw the raven lying on its side breathing small shallow breaths. He then saw his bride crumpled in a tiny heap in the floor. He attempted to stand but found his legs of no use yet. He crawled to her side and gathered her up into his arms. He hugged her close to his bare chest. She was breathing. He felt a sense of relief at the thought that she was at least alive. He looked about the room and saw Maegden's cloak on the back of a chair.  Ettrian laid her down gently and tried again to stand. He hobbled over to the chair. He tied the cloak lengthwise about his waist to give himself some sort of cover. He bent down and picked his wife up off the floor. He carried her out of the room and down the stone passageway. They emerged into the hedge maze. The moon was dazzling and bright. Crickets chirped in the breeze. Ettrian's shoulder length raven black hair caressed his face as he walked to the atrium door with Maegden gathered in his arms. The guards at the door bowed wide eyed at the sight of their king returned to them. "Fetch my sister and some pants." Ettrian barked at the guards. 

He walked up the stairs with Maegden, afraid that she was not going to awaken. He pushed the bed chamber door open. He laid Maegden down on the bed. A guard approached handing the king a pair of pants and a shirt. "Leave us please, only my sister is allowed entrance." Ettrian spoke kindly to his guard. He heard the running footsteps of Isyivel. 

She burst into the room shoving the exiting guard aside. She ran to her brother and threw her arms about his neck. "Brother, brother! I knew Maegden could do it. I knew she would bring you back to us." Isyivel apologized to the guard for pushing him aside. She looked around expecting to see Maegden. Her eyes darkened as she looked to where her brother's wife lie. She was motionless on the giant bed. "Maegden, no! Brother what happened?" Tears fell from Isyivel's eyes then. She looked toward her brother with questions in her eyes. "Is she alright? Will she live?"

"I do not know her fate. Our connection is intact. Honestly we have never been more connected. I think she is recuperating. The magic she used to separate me from the raven she calls, Craban was very powerful. I am sure she will awaken soon. I am a bit tired myself." He said as he looked upon his sister with faerie eyes instead of those of a raven.

"I will leave you to rest then. I am glad to have you returned." Isyivel hugged her brother close again before leaving the room. She requested that the guards double up around the palace once she exited the room.

Ettrian bathed and dressed for bed. He climbed beneath the covers and gathered his wife in his arms. Although he had never laid with her in his arms before, he felt that he already knew her better than anyone else. So many nights had he spent perched at the foot of the bed watching her sleep. He watched her sleep then. The rise and fall of her chest was rhythmic. He kissed her forehead softly. He fell asleep content that he was in the right place finally.

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