Chapter 11: To Transform the Darkness

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Maegden paced in the war room waiting for the general and his captains to arrive. She had dressed in a simple silver gown that matched her silver slippers from the night before. She still wore the silver crown she had found in the ancient catacombs below the garden maze. Craban sat on the back of one of the chairs preening his feathers. The map on the table was riddled with tiny figures that were meant to represent this kingdoms army and that of the nasty trolls that Maegden believed Val'istar had somehow allied himself with. 

The door to the room opened and the general and his captains filed into the room. Isyivel followed after them all. The general and his four captains gathered around the table and each bowed slightly at their queen. She nodded at each of them in return. "I thank each of you for meeting with me this morning. We must be vigilant in the coming days, I sense that danger approaches unseen. Val'istar or any of his agents are not to be trusted. I have a belief that he is responsible for the king's disappearance. I want to get your opinions on ways we can protect the kingdom and its outlying areas. I am going to be busy for ta bit in the upcoming days. I am not ready to reveal what it is that I will be doing just yet, but do know that I have the kingdom's best interest at heart. I need all of you to place your faith in me and trust me. I am learning things about myself that I thought were completely impossible. One thing that I beg of you to not let leave  this room is the fact that I have discovered that I have some sort of magical ability. I can't quite explain it but I need time to work on a spell that can protect us and help us to find the king. If you can double the forces around the palace then I can begin work on the protection we need to save our people. Now General Gershele if you can show us your strategies to protecting the kingdom please. 

"Of course your majesty." General Gershele picked up a pointer from the table and began showing the group key points on the map of the kingdom that he thought were vulnerable to an attack. He showed them ways he thought that ground troops could help to fortify the areas. Each of the captains in turn gave their advice. Captain Alerue, Captain Kressend, Captain Etharale and the only female captain; Captain Jasainia all shared ways in which they believed that the kingdom could be protected. The general stood back allowing his captains the chance to speak. He smile a wide grin, proud of the men and women he had trained over the years. "Your majesty, I do think that by implementing everyone's ideas here we just might be able to protect this kingdom." General Gershele stated openly. The queen smiled back at all of them. "Wonderful, thank you for your effort and time here today. I think that you are all right. If we work together and implement these strategies we will keep everyone safe. Isyivel are the achers ready to take to the trees?" 

"Yes, my queen. They are more than ready to march to the borders and set up the perimeter. I will return every four days to check in and see how you are doing." Isyivel bowed slightly at the waist. The general and four captains followed suit. The queen bowed back at all of them as a whole and exited the war room in a confident stride.

Craban watched the whole matter. He was impressed at how Maegden led everyone into agreement. He had spent a few times in this very war room and no one had ever led the men in agreement like this except for his father the former king. He was glad to see that they had such faith in his wife in his absence. They did not know how proud he was of them all. His heart swelled with emotion only meant for a faerie not a raven. 

Isyivel left the room after maegden and caught up with her in the atrium. "Wait. I wanted to talk to you. Please be careful while I am away. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you. I want there to be someone for Ettrian to return to when we get him back to himself. It would also be nice to have my sister-in-law in one piece. I think you are one of the best things that has happened to our kingdom." Isyivel turned her face away as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. 

"I have found a place here within the palace that offers me a chance to do something great. I promise that I will be safe. I do not know how but I can read the magical texts that are there and I believe that I may have a way to save Ettrian." Maegden said in a hushed voice. She looked at Isyivel with a pleading in her eyes. 

The beautiful platinum haired faerie princess gazed at her brother's wife in astonishment. "Once I would have laughed at those words but I believe in you. I know we will make it through this and gain back our king, my brother and your husband." She clasped Maegden's hands in hers and pulled her close for a hug. She could feel a strange energy emanating from Maegden. 

Craban sat on the back of a nearby chair watching his family. He watched the silver aura grow before his eyes and encompass Isyivel. As the two parted ways a sliver of silver followed with Isyivel. It was as if Maegden had lent some of her protection to his sister. He looked at her wide eyed as he noticed that her aura glowed brighter yet. 

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