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The next morning as Sidney was driving to the PPG Paints Arena there were many thoughts swimming in his head. Last night he spent far too long at Emerson's watching TV and just talking. Boy coukd he listen to that girl go on for hours in time permitted him to. She had such a way of socializing that made her seem cool and confident but still kind. She could easily make him laugh, make him feel comfortable talking with her.

She was slowly becoming the girl, even seven years younger than him, that he could potentially see himself spending his life with. They had known eachother going onto four months now and at least two of those there was something in the air between them.

He wanted to ask her out, every fiber of his body ached to be by her side romantically.. but his head was telling him to slow down. Sidney knew the problems them dating could potentially cause if it got out- but at this point he'd be willing to risk it, for her.

The other side was his own precautions on his feelings. At almost thirty he would be going for a girl much younger that didn't quite have all the life experiences that someone should have before committing. But at the same time Emerson was far too mature for her age and understood how things could be. For god sakes she was forced to grow up at fourteen because of her parents death. As hard as thay was for him to comprehend how she could possibly feel, it was a huge gate leading into the kind of person she truly was.

Sidney found her beautiful in every aspect than just her looks- which with those alone he'd be one lucky man.

"I wish I could just figure out what to do." Sidney muttered aloud under his breath. He had even taken it as far as calling his younger sister! She immediately told him to man the fuck up and ask Ems out (basically). But the thought of hurting her in any way like her ex did scared him. He wasn't worried about all her male friends or the attention she received- she wasn't like that and could care less. Emerson loved hockey not all that.

Yet maybe it was the fact that one day during a game he could watch her get hurt or the same for him... neither of them needed that, who could know how they'd react. There were too many sides and thoughts to take into account and Sid definitely knew he was over thinking it. But as a Captain it was his job to watch out for his teammates, know what the right thing was and when to do it.

As he pulled into the parking lot he of course saw a small amount of fans waiting around. That was the usual though, and making his heart skip a beat was the fact he was actually behind Emerson's car as they got off the road to pull in. The moment he realized it he almost forgot to hit the breaks.

The two ended up parking side by side, and as Sidney stepped out of his car being faced with Emerson, he gulped nervously. Never could he forget when she dressed herself up. Curled hair, a black fitted dress with silver heels. She always looked amazing on game day, and it complimented all the men's suits.

"Hey." she said as she grabbed her bag from the back seat.

"Sleep well?" he called back,

"Oh I'm sure you know the answer to that... Ready to get bombarded though?"

"Always have to be."

Thankfully there weren't as many people standing around waiting as normal. Most of the time it was middle school aged kids who begged their parents to bring them, and of course your more intense than average fans who wanted things signed. Sidney always tried to be as gracious as he could, he really appreciated the fact people would come this early just to see them- but it was still game day.

Sidney signed a few things before Emerson taking pictures with a young girl caught his attention. The joy that was radiating off the girl who looked to be about 10 was priceless. She seemed so entranced by Emerson and finally getting to meet her. Seeing the way Emerson smiled at the little girl as she pulled her in for a hug was adorable. It warmed Sid's heart seeing that and immediately brought a smile to his lips.

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