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"Oh come on just spill." Bryce said. Him and Emerson were sprawled across the couch in his apartment together.

"Give me a few seconds! This is a hard topic for me."

Neither of them could remember the last time they got to share time like this, alone. It had probably been in highschool to be completely honest. The last three days they'd been together was like those years all over again. Staying up late watching South Park, getting food but mainly just chilling. The two were enjoying the limited days they were having together.

But today was their final day. Time felt like it flew by between Bryce showing her the city of Ottawa, going to fancy restaurants, seeing the sights and just spending time together. Emerson was excited to head to head to Boston now but leaving him would be hard. He had missed his tussled brown hair and the way his eyes lit up when he talked. There was plenty they were forced to catch up on but it felt like they hadn't missed a beat.

Now as their time was ending Bryce finally decided to ask Emerson about her love life. He was well aware something was going on as she avoided the topic their whole time together.

"I don't see my love life is such a hot topic to everyone!" she sighed.

"I mean, isn't this was all friends gossip about together? I'm sick of being stuck out of the loop! Like I don't even know who it involves that's how much I don't know."

"You wanna know who?"

"Well duh."

"... Sidney Crosby.." her voice was quiet as she muttered out his name.

"Did you say Sidney Crosby or am I just hearing things?" Bryce's mouth was slightly agape as he stared wide eyed at his friend. She nodded her answer towards him in return, "Damn I was not expecting that." Then his face turned into a malicious smirk as something clearly rude was going through his head, "I was thinking Gio purposed or something dumb like that and I'd have to fight him."

Emerson groaned hitting him playfully, "You're so annoying stop that!"

"What? I think I should be allowed to make fun of you now... so are you and Crosby like dating?"

"No. We're just like always flirting and clearly walking on eggshells."

"Ooooh it's that awkward phase. Eh, it'll only last a little longer don't sweat it."

"Trust me I am."

"It'll be fine." Bryce chuckled to himself while shaking his head back and forth, "I did not expect this one. Didn't think Crosby was into younger girls- or teammates at that-"

"Oi everyone knows you wanted to practically marry me in highschool! Don't make me hit you again." Emerson had a sour look on her face, but she knew not to take what he said too personally. He was always like this when it came to her, protective.

"Highschool's a little different Ems. But hey I ship it I guess. As long as he's good to you- or I'll have to drop the gloves on him one game."

Crossing her arms over her chest she glared, "You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me." he smirked devilishly, "if we're losing and I'm upset, it'll happen." he was telling the truth top, as he wasn't afraid to drop the gloves depending on the situation. And now he had a personal reason to do so.

"You suck. And if I'm out on the ice then I'll give you a piece of my mind."

"Goalie fights old teammate, best friend, cause he beat up her boyfriend!"

"I don't think you'd win against Sid dumbass."

"Never know. I'm sure Karlsson would have some pointers." Bryce shrugged. He found it amusing to see Ems get so worked up over this; it really showed him how much she cared about her Captain. He knew when was about to go all in on something, and he knew how hesitant she was being without even having to ask. In his mind it was plausible for her and Crosby to get together- she wanted to, he could tell.

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