Chapter 13

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No sooner they arrived, Jareth's parents left. Bidding them farewell and closing the door, Jareth turned himself to face me, "8th of April? Really? That is only a few months away!"
"I'm sorry for helping!" I glanced down at my hands before feeling the atmosphere change.
"I suppose that will have to do." Jareth tapped his chin in deep thought, "We need to plan everything, find suitable attire for the both of us." He mused, "Meet me in the Great Hall. We have matters to discuss."

Jareth left, his boots echoing with each step as he closed the door behind him. A goblin was kicked along the way by the sounds of it before he returned and perched himself in his throne with his riding crop, preparing to hear petitions of the people while I was escorted back to my chambers. I was surrounded by female goblins and feeling awfully smothered as each one of them were gazing over pieces of parchment that were strewn all over the floor. Incoherent mumbles filled the room before I was pushed to a stool.

"Please stand up here miss."

I did as I was told, but was rather confused when a fairy entered, her pink wings glistening behind her tiny frame as she held a light piece of material.
"Your majesty, I have heard news of a wedding between you and Jareth?" I nodded, remembering how quick news travels through this realm. "We have prepared the garments you must wear on your 'special' night." A few goblins turned to wink at each other and giggled before I coughed abruptly, silencing them.
"You mean to tell me that Jareth has expectations of what I'm supposed to wear?" They nodded, "It's way too revealing. I am not going to wear that. I will wear what I choose."
"Is the queen pure?"
Although, it seemed innocent enough to ask, I felt myself becoming riled up about this issue and thought it would be better to set the record straight.
"Damn straight I'm pure!" Hushed whispers filled the room as I handed the garments back to this fairy, "So I will reiterate my answer. I am wearing. What I choose." Dismissing them with a wave of my hand, I sat on my bed before finding a note underneath my door.

Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes.


Persistence was the key to Jareth. Being the end of October, he had it all calculated within his head. He smirked as he conjured a crystal, watching Bernadette leave her chambers to make the most of a stroll to the Great Hall and he snapped his fingers. He had six months to successfully get Bernadette to fall in love with him, and he knew her birthday wasn't too far away. Perhaps everything would go his way after all, especially if he could woo her with things that she liked. Maybe her favourite food at dinner was definitely a good idea.
This plan would definitely be interesting, he thought to himself as he threw the crystal into the air, making it disappear before the doors could reveal her presence.

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