Chapter 3

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The following morning arrived with a breeze, carrying birds' songs as I rolled onto my side. An angered hoot echoed across the room, forcing me to sit upright. A long-horned owl caught my eye as it hopped in a flighty way towards me. I couldn't help but observe its happy demeanour as it positioned itself in a snuggling position against my arm.
"Hey sweetie, did Jareth send you?" I assumed correctly as Lily returned to the room.
"Kingy tolds me to tell you to get dressed and come to the dining hall." She paused to rummage through the wardrobes and pulled out and emerald gown with a corset, "Kingy wants me to help."
"I'm not wearing that." I pointed to the corset, wishing to keep my breathing at an adequate level.
"You have to Miss, if you be Queenie, you dress like Queenie." Sighing heavily, I allowed the young goblin to dramatically assist me with my dress and hair.

I followed the creature through the puzzling walls until we reached a pair of large wooden doors. The weight of them was astounding as we pushing through them to enter the hall from the corridor.
A large table sat in the middle of the room, made out of what appeared to be the finest mahogany gave me a sense of what to expect as I took the seat next to Jareth.
"You look absolutely radiant my Queen." The infamous smirk to its residence upon his face.
"I am not your Queen!" I paused, feeling flustered and resumed, "If I was your Queen so to speak, surely you'd get to know me at least."
"Get to know you?" Jareth scoffed, returning his now cold gaze towards me, I gulped nervously before he continued, "Precious, you underestimate me. If you were not fit to be a Queen, you would be running the labyrinth as we speak. Trust me Bernadette. I do mean what I say." His intense stare was like daggers pointed at flesh, the atmosphere became tense and I suddenly found the doily on the tablecloth to be more interesting.

A bowl of peaches was positioned on the table by a young goblin who look similar to Lily as she adjusted it and after at least thirty seconds, she left the room. I hesitantly took a furry fruit, examining it thoroughly before taking a bite. The wariness I felt towards whether it was drugged or not overtook me and I sighed in relief that it wasn't. Sighing heavily, I gazed towards Jareth.
"I suppose I'll have to trust you. You know the place better than I do."
"You forgot my title." Once again, I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.
"My king." I rose with grace, brushing any crumbs off my gown and ventured along the path outside.

A small fellow was chuckling in the distance as fairies were landing dazed upon the ground. I couldn't stop myself as my feet moved to approach him, "Excuse me sir, may I inquire as to why you are spraying the fairies?" The creature turned to face me and bowed, a warm smile crawling across his features.
"You must be Lady Bernadette."
"Call me Bernadette." I smiled as I took his hand, shaking it in a strong grasp, "You still haven't answered my question."
"They're pests. The Swarm Queen hasn't solved the problem and from the looks of it, she can't be bothered." I nodded in understanding as he continued, "I'm Hoggle by the way."
"Nice to meet you Hoggle. I'm afraid I must be heading back now. Jareth will come looking for me otherwise."
Hoggle frowned and nodded, he was going to have a word with the King later. How could he force such a young girl into marriage? She wished herself here. These were questions he hoped Jareth would answer.

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