Chapter 11

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The wooden doors opened with ease, revealing the blonde-haired mullet of Jareth. His boots echoing with each step he took further and further into the room while my smile remained on my face.

"Jareth," I beckoned him to me, confusion still evident on my features as well as replicating the expression upon his face, "I'm a Fae. I'm actually a Fae." Jareth took my hand in his, sensing the weakness that was still present within my system. My hands tingled with the feel of his hands within his. As much as I thought I didn't want them anywhere near him, I couldn't help but relish the feeling as he transferred the magic between the both of us to assist the healing process and build my strength.

"Lady Bernadette is a Fae my king!" Jareth heard the Labyrinth whisper, before feeling magic swirl around the both of us.
"What's happening? Why do I feel so... light?"
I found my eyes glancing around the room briefly before meeting his, seeking an answer.

"The Labyrinth sensed your change and is congratulating you. News of this will spread quickly through the kingdom."
No sooner Jareth began to explain this weird feeling I felt, a loud knock upon the door sounded which startled the both of us.
"Your Highness, the High King and Queen are here to see you."

Jareth rose from the bed, sighing heavily as he began to leave. I reached for his arm which surprised him, judging by his wide-eyed reaction.
"I'm coming with you." I stumbled out of bed, "Lily, could you find me something suitable to wear please?"
I felt the pins and needles in my legs as I slowly took steps outside of the doorway, only for Jareth to stop me.

"Bernadette, now is not the best time." He sighed, placing his hands on my shoulders to steady me as Lily emerged from my chambers with a gown and the necessities needed to wear with it, "You are still healing. You need to rest."

Jareth knew his mother and father were going to have words with him about his latest 'arrangements' so to speak. He felt it best not to involve Bernadette, but at the same time, knew that she was too stubborn for her own good. He heard the door shut behind him as Lily ushered me in and for once in his life, he felt unsure. Should he wait? Should he continue to the throne room? He didn't know, until the door reopened itself again.
"A king must not be without his queen in front of the higher monarchs."

I emerged, my hair in a classy up-style which allowed my hair to cascade down my back. My gown was violet, adorned with tiny jewels on the bodice which was not too tight, or too revealing. Simply a plain gown, but dressed up enough to surely impress his family. As soon as he blinked, I took his arm and accompanied him to the throne room, not before wondering what I had possibly gotten myself into.

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