Chapter 9

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I awoke in comfort, my surroundings completely different to those from the ballroom that I was in before. The walls were painted a royal blue hue, and the most magical feature had to be the ceiling which was full of stars that twinkled and moved within the air. The bed was soft with sheets of satin which complemented the room perfectly. It was only then that I realised that I was wearing a nightgown, my hair was undone, and it was wildly splayed out upon my pillow.

"My lady! You're awake!" A young fairy flew to my aid, "I will fetch the king immediately."
Being unaware of what really happened, I nodded weakly, feeling a little confused and disoriented before I winced in pain. My hand found its way to my forehead, hopelessly battling the constant pounding within my brain as the door began to reopen. The fairy had returned with the king trailing hot on her heels.
I made the attempt to sit up, but found myself regretting that choice as my back met the mattress, my eyes meeting with mismatched blue and green.
"You must rest my queen. The last three days have taken their toll on you."
"Three days?" My voice was shot, my eyes matched my shocked expression as I found myself thinking that this could not have possibly happened. It was only the thin line on Jareth's lips that confirmed that this situation was something that was definitely happening. "What happened? I remember dancing, then you said nothing could ruin our night." I refused to comment on his smile. That devilish grin was eating me up inside as the butterflies fluttered even more if that was possible and my heart picked up pace, "I hope you didn't try anything weird. Or drug me."

The fairy left the room, softly closing the door behind her as Jareth's expression turned into a frown. His jaw clenched into a stony expression as he assumed the position beside me, his tendrils draping over his shoulders.
"Bernadette, dear-" I glared at him, softening my expression a little at his choice of endearment, "I may be harsh to the others, but I can assure you that I would not do such a thing."
Before I could stop or possibly restrain my thoughts from being vocalised, I heard my voice ask the next jaw-dropping question.
"What about Sarah?" The tension that followed was almost tangible. You could cut the air with a knife.
"We do not mention that name in this realm!" Jareth's eyes narrowed, closing as he rose from the bed, ready to leave the room. "I will return to check on you later. Emilie will attend to your needs."
At this point in time, the young fairy who I assumed to be Emilie entered cautiously, allowing the Goblin King to leave before the door slammed behind him.

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