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After the Valentine's Day fiasco, things has settled back down. Nat and I had had a cosy chat one evening, boys banned for once, to catch up with one another but I'd still found out very little about her mystery suitor. All she'd tell me was that he was rather attractive but he was a bit shy so he wasn't ready to meet any of her friends yet. Strange, I thought, because Nat isn't really the type to go for a shy guy - she's always outgoing. Ah well, her life I suppose.

I had really done very little since the start of the year; exams were edging closer and the teachers were still wasting their breath on lecturing us on how important our O.W.L.s are. As if we didn't know already. Sp Draco and I had spent some time revising in a secluded corner of the library, which was rather empty except for Madame Pince and Granger, who wasted no time in telling us that she deemed our behaviour inappropriate for a public place and was about to try and put us in detention when Draco pulled rank as a Slytherin Prefect and leading member of the Inquisitrial Squad, which Umbridge had now deemed able to give detentions and take or give house points to students. Of course, no house points were going to be given to anyone other than our own house members so ultimately we could give as many as it took to win the House Cup this year. Although Dumbledore may eventually realise what was going on and put a stop to it. Besides the point, Draco's threat of a week of detentions in the run up to exams was enough to get Granger of our backs. To be honest, I'm not really sure what she was complaining about, we were only kissing occasionally, and playing footsie under the table when we got bored of revising. It was nothing compared to what went on once she'd gone.

Madame Pince had been called away to help Filch with something or another. I'm sure they've got a thing. Kind of sweet, mostly weird. But anyway, she'd given responsibility to Draco and I to look after the library until she got back. And so as she left, the door may have been locked to prevent unwanted intruders from interrupting.

It wasn't too long before we heard banging at the door and I scurried looking for Draco's shirt, which had been thrown aside; whilst he seemed very unconcerned and simply stayed lounging on a desk now empty of the pile of books it began with. He lazily flicked his wand and moved them back to where they were as I slipped the shirt over his bare, pale chest and torso. He rolled his eyes at me as I walked to the door, pretending that it had locked itself when Madame Pince finally flung it open.

"Never again," we bother heard her muttering as we sauntered out of the library with smug looks on our faces. With my hand tucked comfortably in his back pocket, and his round my waist, we made our way slowly back towards the Dungeons; Draco scolding various students that we came across and reducing one boy to tears when he put him in detention for his shoelace being untied. Harsh? Yes, but I have to say, Draco is very sexy when he's being commanding and just a little evil. I'm sure he saw my eyes flash when he yelled at a Third Year Hufflepuff who was sprinting towards the Great Hall, bag trailing along the ground, and it took a lot of restraint on my behalf certainly, to stop myself grabbing his tie and pushing him against the wall and kissing him right then. But I stopped myself and instead skipped into the Hall to find Frankie sitting there, in Aurelia's usual place.

"Hey?" I said uncertainly, "What are you doing over here?"

"Um, well, Blaise said to meet him here, he said it'd be fine but I can go if-"

"No." I cut off her rambling. "This is perfect, welcome to the Slytherin side of the school Dollface," I said cheerfully. "That space needed to be filled anyway, what with the Aurelia thing."

Frankie's eyes searched my face, questioning my statement. You see, the Valentine's Ball hadn't been such a success for everyone. Not that I cared. After Draco, Nat and I had left after out fight, a number of interesting occurrences happened. Firstly, Majaine Winters, a Fifth Year Hufflepuff student, was called to Dumbledore's office. No one has seen her since, but it was something to do with her Uncle, who was a curse-breaker in Egypt or somewhere; not any more though, sadly for her. I feel kind of bad, but I didn't know her so I shan't waste my pity on her. Secondly,  was called to see Umbridge . Finally, and most embarrassingly, Lia, yes, my cousin Aurelia Simmons, was pulled out of Hogwarts. Some Slytherins had seen her with Potter that evening doing Merlin knows what, and wrote to her parents. And my lovely Pureblooded Aunt and Uncle weren't having any daughter of theirs consorting with a Potter. Not in a million years. So they pulled her out and she's been sent to some other school. It's one of the two that were here for the Tournament last year but I have no idea which. Probably the girls in blue, she's far too dainty for those beefcake Bulgarian boys.

And that was the end of my darling cousin's Hogwarts career. Whether she shall be back I'll never know. Or if I'll even see her again. Who knows with her parents?

But could you imagine it really, a Slytherin with a Gryffindor - and Potter at that. It would never have happened. Or worked rather, because seemingly something happened. Well, I suppose she had to get her kicks somewhere; Merlin knows I've had enough fun with some of those Gryffindors. Cormac McLaggen for starters. I definitely have a thing for Quidditch players. I've seen Draco fly and every time it is both the most exhilarating and frightening thing ever. I always think it must be wonderful to be that free, but then with those Bludgers and the speed and the danger. I'm always scared he'll do himself a serious injury. And I haven't really been on a broom since First Year when lessons were imposed upon us by Madam Hooch. I just never got the hang of it and couldn't be bothered mastering it. I was far too busy with classes and stuff, right nerd back then - not to the same spectacular lengths that Granger took it to - but I was still rather academic for a year or two. Tried to impress Daddy and mother by showing them how clever I was. Mother was never interested and Daddy was busy at work all the time so I stopped trying after a while. Luckily I had been sensible enough to also form a social life between lessons so when I dropped the whole geek act, I had a whole group of people to impress with my sudden transformation. Loved the limelight then and still loving it now. I guess that's why Draco and I always play up to a crowd of people, friendly jibes and gentle fun being poked at one another. We've not done that in a while actually, perhaps this ring on my finger has made me mature a bit. I laughed: me, mature? Not a chance.

"Shove up Fatso," Draco's joking voice broke through my daze and I looked up to find him one leg over each side of the bench, trying to squeeze himself between me and Nott, who had thankfully not made any more unwelcome advances towards me since the New Years party. I shifted slightly to allow him to sit down and realised I had been in the middle of a conversation with Frankie before I had zoned out, but when I looked, she was no longer there. Ah well, I'm sure she'll be having a blast with good old Zabini. Even I know he can show a girl a good time; he's even gentlemanly which is a pleasant change from some of the pigs in this pla-

And then my thoughts were interrupted again by Draco pressing his lips to mine roughly and kissed me. He pulled away a second and I looked at him in shock as be mouthed 'Just play along' and nodded towards Snape who was heading up the aisle to the Teacher's Table. We began kissing again, causing some stir as the other students were either engrossed in our relationship, disgusted at the public display of affection or jealous on either part at us. Despite him being a First-Class bully sometimes, and I a real bitch, that didn't stop us being hot. I know that beside his evil tendencies, there is still a huge queue of girls after my man; and it certainly hasn't escaped my attention that I attract a lot of male attention. So there was a lot of jealous flying round the room right now. Snape's beady black eyes had clearly spotted the cause of the ruckus and he swept over in a bat-like manner, hair flicking about his face, and nose lowered until he was level with us.

"Mister Malfoy, may I have a word? Now?" He drew the syllables of each word out as he glared at us as we broke apart slowly. Draco still had his arms round my waist and I made no move to untangle my hands from his hair.

"As you may have noticed, Professor," Draco began sarcastically, "My girlfriend and I are a little busy right now. Is it urgent or can it wait? He raised a taunting eyebrow at the older man and dared him to tell him otherwise. Draco clearly had very little intention of going anywhere with Snape and I contained a giggle as I watched Snape's face contort into a scowl.

"No Mister Malfoy, I suppose it is not. But I shall expect to see you... And Miss Ashton, in my office - tonight. Understood?" he sneered nastily as be surveyed me.

"Actually Sir, I have some rather pressing business to attend to tonight, so I'm afraid it'll have t-"

"Tonight. My office. Eight-thirty. No excuses," he hissed.

As he turned to walk away, Draco looked at me with a sly smirk on his face and we both burst out laughing.


"Draco, you'd better get going to Snape's office babe. It's almost eight-thirty now and with your swagger, it'll probably take you longer than that to get there," I joked with the pale blonde boy whom was currently in a state of undress after his shower. I had made myself comfortable on his bed and was stretched out rather like a cat in the sun. He pulled his trousers and shirt on and began buttoning it up as he walked towards the bed.

"Why me? You're coming too, love," he smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow and knelt up on the bed, reaching for Draco's open collar. I pulled him down to meet my mouth and kissed him softly before handing him a note and whispering,

"Actually, I'm not. Could you give this to Professor Snape and tell him I am ever so sorry but this was more important."

Draco scowled with obvious displeasure and yanked himself away from me, finished buttoning his shirt and then stomped off to meet Snape.

And that was all about a week ago, and I still have very little idea about what exactly went on in that discussion. Probably a stern telling off from Snape and a severe warning to keep our relationship to a minimum in public. Whatever it was, Draco came back looking incredibly somber and very quiet. He's barely spoken to me since and is always busy with other business. I say always, but what I mean is more so than before; now we spend four nights together instead of seven, and he says very little, like something else is on his mind. I begin to worry as I lie in bed some nights - the jealous, old Kayla creeping back in from some unfamiliar place. Then I feel the weight of the ring on my finger and utter laugh for being so silly. He loves me. That's it, and nothing is going to change that.


I lie in bed staring blankly at the loops of green velvet above me, thinking only of one thing. It may actually be more than that but they all seem to intertwine in my mind into one giant mess. I hear the heavy snores and breaths of the other boys and try to clear my head.

I love Kayla. I love Natalie, but that has stopped now. That one last time and now it's over. I needed her that night; I couldn't face Kayla, not after what Snape told me. So I rushed into the arms of my Natalie instead knowing she would be waiting forever.

But what Snape said - I stood in his dingy classroom barely able to comprehend the words he told me. Kayla's Dad is back. Back from where I have no idea, but the whole notion knocked me for six, because Kayla told me her Dad is dead, and I know she blames her mother even though it was a work related thing. So to now be told he was alive...

My head ached with the complexity of it all. And I hadn't even begun to think through the next bit I was told by Professor Snape. Ashton is a Death Eater. A really high up one whom even the Dark Lord shows respect for. And to show his master just how loyal and dedicated he is, he's sacrificed one thing to him. The one thing that he loves most. His daughter.

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