A Text Message Conversation Between Loki & Megan

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What was that old girlfriend you used to have. Silvery something? Hi Ho Silver? Long Jon Silver?

Yes I believe it was Long Jon Silver that I dated, famous pirate captain and terror of the seas. It was a torrid, five day relationship. Get it, ship?


Why do you ask?

She's here.

Good one.



Wait, are you serious?

Deadly serious. Sylvia, that was it.

Gods, why is she here? Where is she?

Throne room. Get over here.


You're hiding aren't you?

If you see puffs of dust that's me...running for my life.

I am absolutely not hosting your ex-girlfriend by myself. She's here as an ambassador, so get your butt over here.

An ambassador for what? The trolls? Angry mountain lions? The coalition of vengeful harpies?

Don't be trite. She may be a piece of work but she saved both our butts in the war more than once, if I recall things correctly

Yes she did. 

Still hiding in the shrubberies.

Sending her to the shrubberies now.



You're joking right?

Megan? Darling? Dearest?

I hear footsteps, that better not be her.

Oh god. It is her. Relocating. Also, sending you all the frowny face emojis ever. How could you do this to me? ☹ :( ☹ 😊

Never mind the smile, it's hard to send emojis while running

I'll fjkd


Ah, guessing that was a panic text. I can hear her from the window lecturing you. This is good, I can actually get a view of this from the next window.

There you are. Boy, she's mad.

You have leaves in your hair, it's sort of cute.

She doesn't seem to think you're cute.

Anyways, I'll leave you to your discussion on the sanctions treaty. Or mountain trolls. Whatever.

I'm going to the kitchens, apparently there's cinnamon buns. Enjoy yourself!


You enjoyed that way too much.

Yes I did. It was nearly as delicious as this cinnamon bun.

We've negotiated. She breathed fire all over me. It was like old times.

Are you still in the kitchens? I'm going to come pin you down and tickle your mercilessly for being so cruel.

You can't, I'll get cinnamon bun all over you.

Worth it.

Actually that sounds delicious. Be right there.

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