The Story of Loki - Part 3

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While I was still hesitating I saw her walk out onto the snow, stepping carefully, holding the flashlight up and skipping the beam across the lawn. She held it in such a way that I knew she was both scanning the yard and ready to clobber anyone she saw out there. I admired that, but there was no time to think about her bravery. Erik was approaching her.

It took a couple seconds for her to spot him, he was so silent, and I tensed, mind racing. He was approaching her carefully, like he just wanted to talk. I'd known Erik for long enough, he was a sensible man, for a frostie. Perhaps he would just talk, maybe leave her to make her own decision. It would be stupid to frighten her if they wanted her on their side...

There was movement behind her, a flicker of a shadow on the snow, a pale man creeping up behind her. Erik's wretched captain. Before I could fling myself forward the man grabbed her from behind, clamping his hand over her mouth.

The girl slumped sideways, and I took a startled step forward, heart hammering in my ears. The snow crunched under my boot, and the man holding Amora jerked his head up, eyes scanning the street both ways. I froze.

There were still two of them and only one of me. Besides that, I had a good idea that they'd rather her dead then end up in my hands. This had to be dealt with delicately.

Still, I was nearly vibrating with tension as I watched the second man drag her across the snow, he handled her less like a girl and more like a sack of flour.

Erik was moving toward his fellow soldier, and his voice drifted across the still expanse of snow. "You just directly disobeyed the queen's orders. Are you insane?"

"I won't have her getting away," the other man's words were fainter, almost grumbled under his breath, but I've always had exceptional hearing. God-like, some might say.

"You'll have your head getting away from your shoulders when she finds out about this." Erik protested as he trailed behind the man, obviously his superior, if he wasn't full-on giving him a tongue-lashing for what had just happened.

Even so, he was obviously furious.

"But she won't find out, will she?" the other man growled at him.

"What's to stop the girl from telling her? Have you been drinking again? Gods..."

Erik's voice was cut off as they got into the black, windowless van at the end of the road. I noted Erik's companion loaded Amora in the back of the vehicle. Which was both incredibly disrespectful and very convenient for me.

Thank the gods the man was an incompetent ass.

As soon as both men were in the truck I raced for my own car, only a few feet away, in the neighbors' driveway, still rumbling quietly, sending up puffs of exhaust into the cold night air.

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