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I would or could date anyone with these traits

• is energetic but childish which is adorable. Likes fast food. Funny.

• quiet, adorable, Canadian accent, loves pancakes, awesome on ice, has a polar bear.

• stubborn to the point it is adorable. Likes to be calm while reading books and drink tea. British accent.

• loves me for who I am. Loyal. Flirts. Cooks good food. French accent. Can speak a different language

• Can cook and loves cute things. 24/7 cuddles. Can speak a different language

• Adorable and strong. Calls you sunflower and is the only one for you. Cute smile. Can speak a different language

• Buff and handsome. Cares about your being and tries to keep you healthy. Dog walks. German accent. Can speak a different language

•bubbly and happy which is ADORABLE. eat, eat, eat. Cuddles for days. Nice walks and sight seeing. Adorable curl and Italian accent. Can speak a different language

• loyal and preservative. Won't mind to leave you alone. Do weird stuff together. Anime. Cute Japanese accent. Can speak a different language

•always happy, knows how to cheer you up. Loves animals and food (specifically tomatoes). Can speak a different language. Can play guitar and bake churros.

• stubborn/grumpy but can be cute. Swears like a sailor but you don't mind. Possessive if other guys flirt with you. Adorable curl. Tsundere.

•just plain AWESOME

•aristocratic, loves classical music, can play piano, has a cute strand of hair that sticks up. Tsundere.

•gorgeous hair. Arrogant but cute personality. Childish when it comes to legos.

•quiet and mysterious. Full of surprises. Likes to read books but mostly folklore and magic. Cute cross pin.

•like a teenage boy in puberty. Awkward and adorable. May be cold but very sensitive. Has a pet puffin.

•nice 24/7. Shower in hugs and kisses with tasty food. Christmas is serious.

• intimidating but gentle. Calls you his wife.

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