Time Travel (final)

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Pirate England: well I'll be darned. I'm in the future with my wimpy self.

England: You bloody arse! You need to go back or else we both won't exist!

Vinex: *fangirls* TWICE THE HOTNESS!!!

Pirate England: What are you screaming about? I better shut that mouth up... *kisses Vinex*

Vinex: *dazed* (in my head- he kissed, sexy pirate England just kissed me. I may die peacefully now)

England: *blushes* HEY!! Vinex, are you alright?

Vinex: *frozen still*

Pirate England: I must have shocked the lass too much.

2P Vinex: as much as I would love to have you here, but you don't belong here. *teleports Pirate England to the past not until he kissed me/Vinex again.*

Vinex: *topples over* omg...omg...omg...omg...pirate England.... just... kissed me....

England: *picks up Vinex bridal style* don't tell me you fallen in love like that?

Vinex: omg...omg...omg...

England: *smirks and sighs* seems you need to be taught a lesson *goes into a room*


2p Vinex: *eats some candy* I just hope she won't kill anyone after

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